Yasuo Miyazaki
School of Education
1750 Kraft Drive
Room 2047 (0302)
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540-231-9731 | yasuom@vt.edu
Brief Bio
Current title: Professor; SOE Program association: Educational Research and Evaluation
Relevant education and career trajectory: received Ph.D. in Measurements and Quantitative Methods in the College of Education, Michigan State University, 2000
Work experience: Assistant Research Scientist at Center for Human Growth and Development, Chief Researcher, National Institute for Educational Research, Tokyo, Japan
Research and teaching interests: research interests include: methodological and applied research surrounding multilevel modeling and growth curve modeling; methodological investigation of impacts of measurement errors in covariates on treatment effect; clarify differences in ANCOVA and change score analysis in Lord's paradox from causal inference perspectives
Extended Bio
Dr. Yasuo Miyazaki is a Professor in Educational Research and Evaluation in the School of Education at Virginia Tech. He is interested in conducting methodological and applied research surrounding multilevel (AKA hierarchical linear) modeling and growth curve modeling in longitudinal data analysis. Methodological interests in these fields include the decomposition of within- and between- relationships by centering. Substantive and conceptual interests related to centering are interpretations of compositional/contextual effects. He is also interested in methodologically investigating the impacts of measurement errors in covariates on treatment effects. Further, he is working on the differences between ANCOVA and change score analysis in Lord's paradox from causal inference perspectives. He teachers courses on hierarchical linear modeling, longitudinal data analysis, regression, and structural equation modeling.
- Multilevel Models (AKA Hierarchical Linear Models)
- Growth Curve Modeling in Longitudinal Data Analysis
- Impacts of Measurement Error in Covariates on Treatment Effects
- ANCOVA and Change Score Analysis in Lord's Paradox
- Ph.D., Michigan State University, 2000
- Editorial Board / Associate Editor: Behaviormetrika
- Ad-hoc Reviewer for Refereed Journals:
Psychological Methods
Applied Psychological Measurement
Journal of Applied Measurement
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics - Session discussant, chair, and moderator in professional organization conferences:
Annual Meeting of for the National Council on Measurement in Education, 2010
Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, 2006
International Meeting of the Psychometric Society, 2009, 2011. - Reviewer of Annual Meeting paper proposals:
American Educational Research Association
National Council on Measurement in Education
- Excellence in Access and Inclusion Award, Virginia Tech Students with Disabilities Office and the Office for Diversity and Inclusion, April 22, 2014
- Virginia Tech School of Education Teaching Excellence Award, April 2012
Journal Articles
- Miyazaki, Y., Kamata, A., Uekawa, K., & Sun, Y. (2022). Bias for treatment effect by measurement error in pretest in ANCOVA analysis. Educational and Psychological Measurement. OnlineFirst: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/00131644211068801
- Miyazaki, Y., Du, C., Papadopoulos, J., & Du, H. (2020). Multilevel analysis of factors associated with left behind children in China. Asian Social Science, 16(10), 1-15. doi: 10.5539.ass.v16n10p1
- Miyazaki, Y., Chungbaek, Y., Shropshire, K. O., & Hedeker, D. (2019). Consequences of ignoring nested data structure on item parameters in Rasch/1P-IRT model. Behaviormetrika, 46(2), 401-434
- Hori, K., & Miyazaki, Y. (in press). Latent curve detrending for disaggregating between-person effect and within-person effect. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal
- Jones, B. T., Miyazaki, Y., Li, M., & Biscotte, S. (in press) Motivational climate predicts student evaluations of teaching: Relationships between students’ course perceptions, ease of course, and evaluations of teaching. AERA Open
- Bruce, M. D., Miyazaki, Y., & Bell, M. A. (in press). Infant attention and maternal education influence childhood receptive vocabulary development. Developmental Psychology.
- Miyazaki, Y., & Sugisawa, T. (in press). A simulation study on appropriate transformations of reliability coefficient in mixed-effects meta-analysis models. Japanese Journal for Research on Testing.
- Miyazaki, Y., and Stack, M. (2015). Examining individual and school characteristics associated with child obesity using a multilevel growth model (in press). Social Science & Medicine, 128, 57-66.
- Agnich, L. E., & Miyazaki, Y. (2013). A multilevel cross-national analysis of direct and indirect forms of school violence. Journal of School Violence, 12(4), 319-339.
- Kamata, A., Bauer, D. J., & Miyazaki, Y. (2008). Multilevel measurement modeling. In A. A. O’Connell, & D. B. McCoach (Eds.). Multilevel Modeling of Educational Data (pp. 345-388). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Book Chapter
- Kamata, A., Bauer, D. J., & Miyazaki, Y. (2008). Multilevel measurement modeling. In A. A. O’Connell, & D. B. McCoach (Eds.), Multilevel Modeling of Educational Data (pp. 345-388). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Marathe, Madhav (PI), Fox, G. (Co-PI); Leskovec, J. (Co-PI), Ramakrishnan, N. (Co-PI), Esterline, A. (Co-PI), Alo, R. (Co-PI), Meghanathan, N. (Co-PI), Chaudhary, A. (Co-PI), Rossi, R. (Co-PI), Nesreen Ahmed, N. (Co-PI), Hagberg, A. (Co-PI), Amelink, A. (Co-PI), Miyazaki, Y. (Co-PI), Kuhlman, C. (Co-PI), Sosic, R., Ravi, S. (Co-PI), Fox, E. (Co-PI), Collaborative Research: Framework: Software: CINES: A Scalable Cyberinfrastructure for Sustained Innovation in Network Engineering and Science, (OAC-1835660) Sponsored by NSF, $3,600,000. (Nov., 1, 2018 – Oct., 31, 2023).
- Collaborative Research: Framework: Software: CINES: A Scalable Cyberinfrastructure for Sustained Innovation in Network Engineering and Science, University of Virginia, National Science Foundation, USD 466,515 (Active: 11/01/2018 - 10/31/2022), Principal Investigators: Fox Edward A (63%), Miyazaki Yasuo (11%), Collins Kristy M (9%), Ramakrishnan Narendran (9%), Amelink Catherine T (8%)
- Lawson, Gerard (Principal Investigator), Patrizio, Kami M (Co-Principal Investigator), Miyazaki, Yasuo (Co-Investigator), Skaggs, Gary (Co-Investigator), "A Multiple Perspectives Analysis of the Influences on the School to Prison Pipeline in Virginia," Sponsored by National Institute of Justice, $914,241.00. (January 1, 2016 – December 31, 2017).
- White, S. (PI), Asselin, S. (Co-PI), Miyazaki, Y. (Co-PI), "STEPS: Stepped Transition in Education Program for Students with ASD," Sponsored by NIMH, $666,498. (September 1, 2014 – August 31, 2017).
- Miyazaki, Y. (PI) & Creamer, E. (Co-PI). Investigating the accuracy of standard error of ability and necessary number of items using HLM to study K-12 and health and education practices (2015). 2015 - 2016 Niles Research Grant Award from the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences at Virginia Tech, $3,796.
- Collaborative Faculty, Practice Data Science Center, Graduate School of Education, Okayama University, Japan
- Affiliate Faculty, Center for Peace Studies and Violence Prevention, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.
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