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Katherine S. Cennamo

Katherine S. Cennamo, Professor Emerita

Katherine Cennamo portrait
Katherine S. Cennamo, Professor Emerita

Katherine S. Cennamo retired in Spring 2023 after years of service in the Instructional Design and Technology program. Happy Retirement, Kathy!

  • Application of learning theories to instructional products
  • Video-based learning
  • PhD, University of Texas at Austin
  • MEd, University of Arizona
  • BA, Virginia Tech
  • Chair, Faculty of Learning Sciences and Technologies. Manage day-­‐to-­‐day operation including budget; faculty and staff; promotion and tenure procedures, and faculty evaluations. July 2013-January 2015; July 2015- present.
  • Member, School of Education Leadership Committee. Advise Director on all matters related to SOE goals, expectations, and operations. July 2013-January 2015; July 2015- present.
  • Chair, Learning Sciences and Technology  Promotion  and Tenure Committee,  2009--‐2012.
  • Coordinator of Educational Research and Development, Creative Technologies in the Arts Initiative, 2007--‐ 2010.
  • 2021 Received three unsolicited “Thank a teacher” recognition letters, January 2021
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Award, one of two awarded annually by the Virginia Tech Center for Instructional  Development and Educational Research. 2014.
  • Finalist, 2014 Global Giveback Competition, LINGOs/Last Mile Learning, for 7 courses created by students under my supervision.
  • IAP-DDL Distance Education Best Practices Award, 2nd place, Association of Educational Communications and Technology, November 1, 2013.
  • Teacher of the Week, selected by the Virginia Tech Center for Instructional Development and Educational Research, based on student nominations,  2013.
  • Honored as “Distance Learning Pioneer”, Institute of Distant and Distributed Learning, 2007


Cennamo, K. (2016). Orchestrating Learning. In Boling, E., Schwier, R. A., Gray, C.M., Smith, K. M. & Campbell, K. (Eds.), Studio teaching in higher education: Selected design cases. New York, NY: Routledge.

Cennamo, K. (2016). What is Studio. In Boling, E., Schwier, R. A., Gray, C.M., Smith, K. M. & Campbell, K. (Eds.), Studio teaching in higher education: Selected design cases. New York, NY: Routledge.

Cennamo, K. S. (2013). In Education we all want to be nice: Lessons learned from a multidisciplinary design studio. In Hokanson, B. & Gibbons, A. (Eds.) Design in educational technology: Design thinking, design process, and the design studio. New York: Springer-­‐‑Verlag.


Fowlin, J. M. & Cennamo, K. S. (2016) Approaching knowledge management through the lens of the knowledge life cycle: A case study investigation. Tech Trends, DOI: 10.1007/s11528-016-0126-4 (10 pages).

Holbrook, H. A. & Cennamo, K. (2014). Effects of high-fidelity virtual training simulators on learners’ self-efficacy. International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations, 6(2), 38-52,

Cennamo, K. & Brandt, C. (2012).   The right kind of telling: Knowledge--‐building in the academic design studio. Educational  Technology  Research and Development,  60 (5), 839--‐858.

Brandt, C. B., Cennamo, K., Douglas, S., Vernon, M., & McGrath, M. (2013). A theoretical framework for the studio as a learning environment. International Journal of Technology and Design Education,  23 (2), 329-348

Cennamo, K., Brandt, C. Scott, B, Douglas, S., McGrath, M., Reimer, Y., & Vernon, M. (2011). Managing the complexity  of design problems through studio--‐based learning. Interdisciplinary  Journal of Problem--‐based Learning, 5 (2), Article 5.  Available at:

Kafura, D., Cennamo, K., Ernst, J. Shaffer, C. & Tilevich, E. (2016) A Scaffolded Data-Centric Approach to Improved Learning of Introductory Computing Concepts. National Science Foundation, $594,314 9/1/2016-8/31/2019.

Lepczyk, B & Cennamo, K. (2016) Extending Creativity through a Multidisciplinary Choreographic Digital Project. SEAD (Science, Engineering, Art, and Design) Mini Grant. Awarded through Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology (ICAT),  $3000. 04/14/2016- 06/30/2016.

Vernon, M. R. (PI), Ermann, M., Simonetti, J., & Cennamo, K. (2009).  Phoebe's  Field:  Exploring physics through narrative and metaphor. Institute for Society, Culture, and Environment (ISCE) 2009 Summer Faculty Scholars Program, $16,000, June--‐December 2009. (10%)

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