Department of English

In the Department of English, we teach students how to think critically and creatively, and we conduct research to advance knowledge about culture, language, and the written word. Our graduate and undergraduate curricula emphasize deep research skills and unbounded creativity, preparing students for successful careers in academia, business, law, and other professions, as well as nonprofit work, teaching, writing, publishing, and the arts. Courses refine students’ oral and written communication skills, teaching them to be precise, clear, and inventive stylists.
The study of literature and language is at the core of each undergraduate major, providing a common, foundational knowledge about the cultural contexts in which texts and linguistic artifacts are produced, interpreted, and circulated. Individual undergraduate majors (English, creative writing, technical and scientfic communication, and professional and technical writing) provide specialized approaches to textual and linguistic critique and invention. Students graduate with enhanced capacities to understand both their cultures and the experiences of others, through varied experiences of collaboration and textual border-crossing that are inherent in our curriculum.
Classes in the English department are small. Students spend quality time with our award-winning faculty and have opportunities for individual and team-based research experiences. The department supports a number of internships. We invite visiting writers and scholars to speak every semester, and each spring students share their work at an undergraduate research conference and a student-run literary festival. Our undergraduate students publish in various Virginia Tech magazines, and graduate creative writing students serve as editors for two national journals.
Graduate programs in the Department of English include a general M.A. in English, an M.F.A. in Creative Writing, and a Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Writing.

News and Stories Spotlight
Article ItemRomance fiction rules the bookshelves, expert explains reasons , article
Love is in the air on Valentine’s Day and so is romantic reading. The popular romance genre typically sees a significant sales bump around Feb. 14, but in general it is experiencing a renewed surge, says Netta Baker, an English instructor and expert on popular romance and romantasy. She discusses the reasons why romance rules the bookshelves.
Article ItemDestiny Haley’s bridge experience editing a research journal , article
Haley, a senior English literature major, defies the typical image of "research" by contributing to Philologia, the student research journal for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Article ItemFaculty club pop-up events spark connection and collaboration , article
Teaching and research faculty are creating a sense of community at a series of Faculty Affairs-planned events that facilitate "intellectual socializing."
Article ItemBridge experience helps Sarah Hevener find the right direction , article
Hevener, a dual major in public relations and professional and technical writing, interned with a small press only to realize publishing wasn’t the right fit for her. Now, she’s pursuing opportunities in higher education, turning an unexpected internship outcome into a stepping stone for success.
Article ItemStudent reflects on living abroad during London Calling! trip , article
Carol Rector, a junior professional and technical writing major, watched Shakespeare at the Globe Theatre, explored London’s vibrant neighborhoods, amd found confidence and lifelong friendships. Led by Department of English faculty, London Calling! offers students the chance to learn through the city’s rich history, culture, and art.
Article ItemBenjamin Bagby to bring ‘Beowulf’ to life in gripping solo spoken performance , article
Experience the epic tale as it was heard over 1,000 years ago. Bagby will deliver two performances on Thursday and Friday, Feb. 6 and 7, at 7:30 p.m. at the Blacksburg Presbyterian Church.
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