Gresilda (Kris) Tilley-Lubbs
School of Education
Gresilda A. Tilley-Lubbs is an associate professor emerita of ESL and Multicultural Education in the School of Education at Virginia Tech.
Her research is informed by critical autoethnography, which combines critical pedagogy and autoethnography, as she interrogates the role of her own whiteness, power, and privilege in preparing teachers and researchers to work in immigrant and refugee communities, and as she conducts research with participants in vulnerable and marginalized communities. Her research listens to the voices of Mexican immigrants through the perspective of transnational (auto)ethnography, integrated with critical autoethnography, which combines critical pedagogy and autoethnography. Her work has been published in both English and Spanish in the United States, Spain, and Mexico. She teaches courses on critical autoethnography and multiculturalism for the Institute of Critical Pedagogy in Chihuahua, Mexico, and she provides seminars and workshops for various universities through her involvement with international scholars.
- Critical Autoethnography
- Critical Pedagogy
- Poetry and Narrative
- English as a Second Language Education and Spanish-Speaking Immigrants
- Multicultural Education
- PhD in Curriculum and Instruction, Virginia Tech
- MA in Spanish Literature, University of Illinois
- BS in Spanish and Music, University of Illinois
- Co-Chair, International Institute for Critical Pedagogy and Transformative Leadership
- Member, Líderes Comunitarias, Mexican Consulate, Washington, DC
- Member, Governor’s Virginia Latino Advisory Board
- Executive Vice-President, Casa Latina, Latino Community Center, Roanoke, VA
- Member of College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences Diversity Committee
- Honorary Recognition School/College Partnership, Association of Teacher Education, 2014
- School of Education Advising Award, 2012
- College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences Land Grant Scholar Award, 2010
Tilley-Lubbs, G. A. (2017). Re-Assembly Required: Critical Autoethnography and Spiritual Discovery. New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Critical Autoethnography Primer. New York, NY: Peter Lang. Under contract.
Tilley-Lubbs, G. A. & Benard, S. M. (Eds.). (2016). Retelling Our Stories: Critical Autoethnographic Narratives. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense.
Journal Articles
Cisneros, C. A., . . . Tilley-Lubbs, G. A. . . . (Authors listed in alphabetical order). (2016). 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 . . . 43: Justice! Ay! Ay! Ayotzinapa: A challenge for new critical qualitative inquiry. Qualitative Inquiry, 22(6), pp. 447-465. doi: 10.1177/1077800415615622. (Invited).
Tilley-Lubbs, G. A. (2016). Reconciliar dos naturalezas en el mismo cuerpo. Revista CES Psicología 9(1).
Tilley-Lubbs, G. A. (2014). La autoetnografía crítica y el Self vulnerable como investigadora. Astrolabio, Nueva Época, 14.
McCloud, J., Tilley-Lubbs, G. A., Chang, R., Popova, D., & Smart-Smith, P., Farmer, S., Meyer, F. (2015). Curricular change: At the vortex. Creative Approaches to Research, 8(1). (First two authors in alphabetical order.)
Tilley-Lubbs, G. A. (forthcoming). Freire in a changing world: Critical autoethnography meets Freire. Qualitative Inquiry. (Invited).
Book Chapters
Tilley-Lubbs, G. A. (2017). La metodología de la autoetnografía crítica. In F. Ángulo, & S. Redón (Eds.). Investigación cualitativa en educación. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editorial Miño y Dávila. (Invited).
Tilley-Lubbs, G. A. (2016). Knowing Joe through a Medium. In Agnello, M. F., & Reynolds, W. M. Practicing critical pedagogy: The influences of Joe L. Kincheloe. New York, NY: Springer. (Invited).
Tilley-Lubbs, G. A., & Bénard Calva, S. (2016). Introduction. In Tilley-Lubbs, G. A., & Bénard Calva, S. (Eds.). Retelling Our Stories: Critical Autoethnographic Narratives. Boston, MA: Sense.
Munly, K., Tilley-Lubbs, G. A., & Sheusi, C. (2016). Henry and Sneaky: Finding resolution to my ontological question about service. In Tilley-Lubbs, G. A., & Bénard Calva, S. (Eds.). Retelling Our Stories: Critical Autoethnographic Narratives. Boston, MA: Sense.
Tilley-Lubbs, G. A. (2016). Reconciling two selves in the same body. In Tilley-Lubbs, G. A., & Bénard Calva, S. (Eds.).Retelling Our Stories: Critical Autoethnographic Narratives. Boston, MA: Sense.
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