The Women’s Center is available virtually Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. To schedule an appointment, set up a meeting, or schedule a Zoom session with an advocate, email the center at or call 540-231-7806. (Please include your preferred times to connect when contacting the center.) An advocate will be checking this email Monday through from 8:00 to 5:00 and will connect with you as soon as possible.

The center is unable to accept in-person walk-ins during this time but encourage folks to call or email to schedule a virtual “walk-in” appointment via Zoom. If you need immediate assistance, call the Women’s Resource Center of the New River Valley at 540-639-1123. For mental health emergencies,  call ACCESS emergency services at 540-961-8400. Check the center’s website for more information about its support and advocacy services.

The center also offers special resources:

  • Gen(der) Ed is a bi-weekly podcast hosting conversations that explore the intersection of gender and other identities, and cover topics for our students, faculty, and staff members on leadership, equity, wellbeing, and healthy relationships. Join us in celebrating the experiences, achievements, and diversity within our campus community. Listen on your favorite podcast streaming platform. 
  • (Dis)course is an ongoing dialogue to discuss relevant issues of gender in society, while bringing to the forefront the work and teachings of Virginia Tech faculty members. By engaging with both traditional “texts,” as well as contemporary text, such as television and new media, the center is  creating a modern-day book club that fosters community, is intentionally intersectional, and contributes to and engages with gendered issues. Discussion groups are in partnership with Introduction to Africana Studies classes and will take place via Zoom every other week, with two opportunities to engage during each discussion week. Sign up for discussions on our website.
Submitted by Dean Laura Belmonte on behalf of Hokie Wellness