Grant support for undergraduate research in 2021–2022 was provided by the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences Undergraduate Academic Affairs Office to the following students.

For research expenses: Ursilia Beckles and Madeline Eberhardt, English, for “Where Y’at, NOLA?: Sociolinguistic Variation in Post-Katrina New Orleans”; and Julia McNamara, International Relations, “Exploring the Use of Blockchain Technology to Improve Food Security through African Indigenous Vegetables in Western Kenya.”

For conference presentations:

  • India Johnson, Human Development, and Jenna Phan, Professional and Technical Writing, “Performance and Play: Fostering Student-Centered University Learning Cultures,” Pedagogy and Theatre of the Oppressed Conference, being held May 26–29, in Chicago, Illinois
  • Alicen Potts, Political Science and Criminology, “Gone But Not Forgotten: Exploring Rhetoric of Missing Persons Cases,” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, March 15–19, Las Vegas, Nevada
  • De’vonte Tinsley, Russian and History, participant in “Roundtable: Undergraduate Perspectives on Slavic Studies,” Southern Conference on Slavic Studies, February 24-26, Richmond Virginia

In addition, the following faculty received funding from the College to support undergraduate researchers during 2021–2022: