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Meet Our Current and Former Graduate Students

Front Row: Jay Wilkins, Tracy Proffitt, Matt Park, Modiu Olaguro, Ben Bruncati, Lindy Hearne, Steve Silber.  Back Row: Megan Wawro, Estrella Johnson, Caroline Hornburg, Andy Norton, Corinne Mitchell, Joe Antonides, Rachel Arnold, Emily McMillon, Michael Hicks, Cheryl Vajello.  Not pictured: Kyle Flannigan
Front Row: Jay Wilkins, Tracy Proffitt, Matt Park, Modiu Olaguro, Ben Bruncati, Lindy Hearne, Steve Silber. Back Row: Megan Wawro, Estrella Johnson, Caroline Hornburg, Andy Norton, Corinne Mitchell, Joe Antonides, Rachel Arnold, Emily McMillon, Michael Hicks, Cheryl Vajello. Not pictured: Kyle Flannigan, Bettibel Kreye. Photo credit: Jay Wilkins, PhD, professor

Graduate students collaborate on conference presentations, teaching assignments, and research projects. They also gather, across the School of Education and Math Department, in a weekly professional seminar, to discuss current issues in mathematics education.

Current Doctoral Students

Corinne Mitchell

Modiu Olaguro

Matt Parks

Tracy Proffitt

Former Doctoral Students

Alex Moore

Advisor: Jay Wilkins
School of Education, 2023
Westfield State University

Brigette Johanna Sanchez Robayo

Advisor: Jay Wilkins
School of Education, 2023
Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

Sarah Kerrigan

Advisor: Anderson Norton
Math, 2022
George Fox University

Vadislav Kokushkin

Advisor: Anderson Norton
Math, 2022
Colorado State University

Joyce Xu

Advisor: Jay Wilkins
School of Education, 2022

Ahsan Chowdhury

Advisor: Estrella Johnson
Math, 2021
George Mason University

Kaitlyn Serbin

Advisor: Estrella Johnson
Math, 2021
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Tiffany LaCroix

Advisor: Catherine Ulrich
Math, 2020

Brooke Mullins

Advisor: Jay Wilkins
School of Education, 2020
University of Virginia's College at Wise

Kevin Watson

Advisor: Megan Wawro
Math, 2020

Rachel Keller

Advisors: Catherine Ulrich, Gary Skaggs
School of Education, 2019

Rachel Rupnow

Advisor: Estrella Johnson
Math, 2019
Northern Illinois University

Karen Zwanch

Advisor: Jay Wilkins
School of Education, 2019
Oklahoma State University

George Kuster

Advisor: Estrella Johnson
Math, 2017
Christopher Newport University

David Plaxco

Advisor: Megan Wawro
Math, 2015
Clayton State University

Steven Boyce

Advisor: Anderson Norton
Math, 2014
Portland State University

Jean Mistele

Advisor: Jay Wilkins
School of Education, 2014
Radford University

Beth MacDonald

Advisor: Jay Wilkins
School of Education, 2013
Utah State University

Alexis Stevens

Advisor: Jay Wilkins
School of Education, 2012
James Madison University

Jonathan Schulz

Advisor: Jay Wilkins
School of Education, 2011
Montgomery County Public Schools

Karl Kosko

Advisor: Jay Wilkins
School of Education, 2010
Kent State University

Betti Kreye

Advisor: Jay Wilkins
School of Education, 2010
Virginia Tech

Lida J. Uribe-Florez

Advisor: Jay Wilkins
School of Education, 2009
Boise State University

Stephanie Behm Cross

Advisor: Gwen Lloyd
School of Education, 2008
Georgia State University

Olgamary Rivera

Advisor: Gwen Lloyd
Math, 2007
University of Puerto Rico

Laura Jacobsen

Advisor: Gwen Lloyd
School of Education, 2006
Radford University

Donna Watson

Advisor: Jay Wilkins, Susan Magliaro
Department of Teaching and Learning, 2005
King University

Mary Addington Quillen

Advisor: John Burton, Gwen Lloyd
Department of Teaching and Learning, 2004