Advancing Research and Practice in Educational Studies

Our faculty and students embody Excellence in Educational Studies. Earn your M.A.Ed., Ed.S., Ed.D., Ph.D., in one of our outstanding programs, or earn a Graduate Certificate in Educational Research and Evaluation, the Learning Sciences, or in Cognition and Education while working closely with our award-winning faculty. Our programs emphasize high-quality teaching and learning and are aimed at preparing students to achieve success in their professional lives and to be active contributors to their chosen communities of practice.
All of our Educational Studies programs are offered at our Blacksburg campus. Current VT students from all graduate programs and professionals who already have a Master's degree are welcome to pursue any of our Graduate Certificates.
Learn more about the programs and where they are offered below.
The Educational Psychology Program offers studies in the research and theories of psychology as they are applied to learning, development, motivation, assessment, testing, and instructional design. Individualized programs of study are developed for students to ensure that their studies prepare them well for the career paths they choose. We offer M.A.Ed., doctoral, and graduate certificate programs.
Students in our doctoral program are prepared as future educational psychologists to conduct empirical research. We emphasize the research and theories related to learning and motivation, as well as how to apply the research and theories to practice. The program boasts a great student to faculty ration, allowing faculty to work closely with students to tailor their learning experiences to meet their goals.
Our Graduate Certificate programs in Cognition and Education and in the Learning Sciences provide students an advanced understanding of current theories and principles of academic learning and in the design of effective learning and teaching environments (offered in conjunction with the Instructional Design & Technology program).
Our programs are offered on the Blacksburg campus. Ph.D. students are subject to residential requirements as set forth by the Virginia Tech Graduate School. Research and teaching assistantships are available for our doctoral students.
Educational Research and Evaluation is essential to every discipline studied within the Virginia Tech School of Education, and studies with our renowned faculty are required at every level. We provide students with preparation in the areas of evaluation/assessment, qualitative methods, and quantitative methods (i.e., applied statistics and measurement), as they are applied in education, the behavioral sciences, and the social sciences in general.
The Graduate Certificate in Educational Research and Evaluation is designed to recognize graduate students who have gained methodological expertise that goes beyond the methodological skills that are acquired in introductory methodology courses. More specifically, the certificate recognizes the completion of specialized coursework in evaluation/assessment, measurement, qualitative methods, and/or statistics. The certificate is also intended for students who already hold a graduate degree and wish to obtain a credential in research methodology that will be of benefit to them in their careers.
* We are no longer accepting new students into the Ph.D. program. The current students in the program are unaffected by this change and will continue their studies as originally planned.
Students in the Foundations of Education Ph.D. Program build individualized, interdisciplinary programs of study to help them address pressing issues in education at all levels, both locally and globally. Foundations of Education students acquire skills and tools from the humanities and social sciences—the philosophy, history, politics, and sociology of education—that enable critique and creative responses to educational challenges. Our guiding philosophy is rooted in justice, equity, and inclusion.
We emphasize applying research and theories to practice and policy. The program’s relatively small size allows for close interaction and collaboration between doctoral students and Virginia Tech's world class faculty.
We offer our program at our Blacksburg campus. Ph.D. students are subject to residential requirements as set forth by the Virginia Tech Graduate School. Research and teaching assistantships are available for our doctoral students.
Instructional Design and Technology (IDT) is dedicated to applying what is empirically understood about how humans learn and improve upon performance to the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of learning and performance support products, processes, and environments. IDT professionals understand and leverage technologies as both product (such as a Web-based course for distant learners or print-based job-aids for the workplace) and process (such as an iterative and formative approach to learner assessment). Instructional technologists practice their unique, multidisciplinary profession in a variety of settings including industry, preK-12 schools, higher education, and government.
Our M.A.Ed. and Ed.S. programs are offered online and at our Blacksburg campus; our Ed.D., and Ph.D. programs are also offered at our Blacksburg campus. Ed.D. and Ph.D. students are subject to residential requirements as set forth by the Virginia Tech Graduate School. Research and teaching assistantships are available for our doctoral students.
The Integrative STEM Education Program at Virginia Tech is designed to develop 21st century K-16 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S.T.E.M.) educators, leaders, scholars, and researchers prepared to investigate, teach, and disseminate new integrative approaches to STEM education. Our focus on implementation and investigation of new integrative technological/engineering design-based teaching and learning practices for STEM education uniquely sets us apart from other STEM programs.
We offer all of our program degrees and the graduate certificate both on our Blacksburg campus and online. The Ed.D. and Ph.D. are subject to residential requirements as set forth by the Virginia Tech Graduate School. Graduate research and teaching assistantships are available for our doctoral students.