Meet Our Current and Former Graduate Students

Graduate students collaborate on conference presentations, teaching assignments, and research projects. They also gather, across the School of Education and Math Department, in a weekly professional seminar, to discuss current issues in mathematics education.
Current Doctoral Students
Adam Bradie
Ben Bruncati
Andy Greco
Corinne Mitchell
Modiu Olaguro
Matt Parks
Tracy Proffitt
Former Doctoral Students
Alex Moore
Advisor: Jay Wilkins
School of Education, 2023
Westfield State University
Brigette Johanna Sanchez Robayo
Advisor: Jay Wilkins
School of Education, 2023
Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Sarah Kerrigan
Advisor: Anderson Norton
Math, 2022
George Fox University
Vadislav Kokushkin
Advisor: Anderson Norton
Math, 2022
Colorado State University
Joyce Xu
Advisor: Jay Wilkins
School of Education, 2022
Ahsan Chowdhury
Advisor: Estrella Johnson
Math, 2021
George Mason University
Kaitlyn Serbin
Advisor: Estrella Johnson
Math, 2021
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Tiffany LaCroix
Advisor: Catherine Ulrich
Math, 2020
Brooke Mullins
Advisor: Jay Wilkins
School of Education, 2020
University of Virginia's College at Wise
Kevin Watson
Advisor: Megan Wawro
Math, 2020
Rachel Keller
Advisors: Catherine Ulrich, Gary Skaggs
School of Education, 2019
Rachel Rupnow
Advisor: Estrella Johnson
Math, 2019
Northern Illinois University
Karen Zwanch
Advisor: Jay Wilkins
School of Education, 2019
Oklahoma State University
George Kuster
Advisor: Estrella Johnson
Math, 2017
Christopher Newport University
David Plaxco
Advisor: Megan Wawro
Math, 2015
Clayton State University
Steven Boyce
Advisor: Anderson Norton
Math, 2014
Portland State University
Jean Mistele
Advisor: Jay Wilkins
School of Education, 2014
Radford University
Beth MacDonald
Advisor: Jay Wilkins
School of Education, 2013
Utah State University
Alexis Stevens
Advisor: Jay Wilkins
School of Education, 2012
James Madison University
Jonathan Schulz
Advisor: Jay Wilkins
School of Education, 2011
Montgomery County Public Schools
Karl Kosko
Advisor: Jay Wilkins
School of Education, 2010
Kent State University
Betti Kreye
Advisor: Jay Wilkins
School of Education, 2010
Virginia Tech
Lida J. Uribe-Florez
Advisor: Jay Wilkins
School of Education, 2009
Boise State University
Stephanie Behm Cross
Advisor: Gwen Lloyd
School of Education, 2008
Georgia State University
Olgamary Rivera
Advisor: Gwen Lloyd
Math, 2007
University of Puerto Rico
Laura Jacobsen
Advisor: Gwen Lloyd
School of Education, 2006
Radford University
Donna Watson
Advisor: Jay Wilkins, Susan Magliaro
Department of Teaching and Learning, 2005
King University
Mary Addington Quillen
Advisor: John Burton, Gwen Lloyd
Department of Teaching and Learning, 2004