The following College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences students participated in the 2021 Women’s and Gender Studies Undergraduate and Graduate Conference titled “Body Politics.”

Presenting papers were: Cameron Ballersociology master’s student, “Terror in Atlanta: Affect, Asian American Hate, and Sex Worker Violence”; Candy Beers, Human Development major, “Autonomy in Aging Women: A Life Course and Gender Socialization Perspective”; Casey Anne BrimmerASPECT doctoral student, “If I Am a Feminist, I Demand a Revolution” and “Cakes, Balloons, & Explosives, Oh My! The Imposition of Gender Performativity on Fetuses through Gender-Reveal Parties”; Lyla Byerssociology doctoral student, “Thin People Die All the Time Too: The Weight of Being a Fat Studies Scholar”; Kayla Goldencriminology major, ‘‘‘She’?: Performing Gender in Harry Styles’ Vogue Issue”; Sabrina Harrispolitical science master’s student, “Making War for Women? An Analysis of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and the Gendering of International Intervention”; Elizabeth Hollowayinternational studies major, “How Women Perpetuate Misogyny: The Central Role in Their Own Oppression”; Christopher Miceli, sociology master’s student, “Thoughts on Feminism from a Transgender Man”; Olivia Newman, criminology major, “A Feminist Analysis of the Ballerina”; Anne Patrick, sociology doctoral student, “Masculinity and Fake Meat: Examining Responses to Fake Meat”; Isabella Patriotis, sociology, “It’s A Man’s, Man’s World”; Leah Ramnath, ASPECT doctoral student, “Becoming Visible”; Maria Scaptura, sociology doctoral student, “Nice Guys Aren’t Actually That Nice: A Content Analysis of Former Incels of Reddit”; and Leslie Ann Toney, sociology doctoral student, “Body Autonomy Exists in the Wining Bone.”

Brimmer and Harris were among the winners of the Barbara Ellen Smith Student Essay Prize for graduate and undergraduate students respectively.

The conference took place virtually on April 16.