The Project-Based Learning Award is designed to recognize faculty members, or teams of faculty members, who have incorporated project-based learning pedagogy into or across their courses, demonstrating a positive impact on student learning.

Project-based learning is a flexible teaching strategy that supports faculty working to scaffold students through appropriate expectations for their level of development, interests, and goals. Project-based learning can take many forms, but ultimately students are engaged in the exploration of authentic problems as a method of both learning and applying content knowledge to meet course outcomes.

The Project-Based Learning Award is given to one individual implementing project-based learning at the course level OR a faculty team implementing across courses. This award is given every two years. Award recipients receive a $500 award, a plaque, and up to $2,000 to cover travel and/or registration at one conference to present their project-based learning work. (*If this is awarded to a faculty team, the award will be divided equally among team members.)

To be eligible for the Project-Based Learning Award, nominees must (1) be a full-time or part-time faculty member at Virginia Tech; (2) have teaching as one of their primary responsibilities; and (3) present work based on their own teaching.

Nomination materials are due on Monday, April 26, 2021, at 5 p.m.

For more information and nomination instructions, visit or contact email