In Fall 2021, the Center for European Union, Transatlantic, and Trans-European Space Studies (CEUTTSS) at Virginia Tech will accept proposals to support interdisciplinary research by Virginia Tech researchers. Priority will be given to funding proposals that advance the interdisciplinary mission of CEUTTSS, promote collaboration across departments/colleges, develop or maintain collaborative relationships between Virginia Tech researchers and EU-based partners, and have the potential to become competitive for extramural support.

Preference will be given to proposals with teams that include at least one faculty member in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences and those with promising impact to areas of research interest of CEUTTSS. These areas include addressing issues of key concern to European and Trans-European affairs and transatlantic relations between the United States and the European Union (EU).

Pending budgetary support, we anticipate awarding between two and three awards, each up to $20,000 for this funding opportunity.

There are three opportunities for funding:

  • European and Trans-European Affairs. Research that integrates interdisciplinary approaches to explore issues ranging from regional security (broadly construed), economic policy, digitalization and automation, supply chains, food systems, pandemic and post-pandemic politics, environmental change, migration, the dynamics of European integration after COVID-19, and/or EU foreign policy and external relations.
  • Contemporary Challenges in Transatlantic Relations. Research that brings into dialogue and integrates interdisciplinary approaches to address issues of security (broadly construed), trade, and/or cultural and scientific cooperation between the United States and the European Union.
  • Seed Funding for Collaborative Research with EU-based Partners. Proposals for projects that can lead to collaborative proposals with EU-based partners (universities, research institutes, and individual faculty), especially those that will be submitted for extramural funding sources at EU-based funding agencies such as the European Research Council. For this funding opportunity, collaborative teams must include faculty in any discipline from at least two different Colleges and identify current or potential EU-based partners that are or may become in the future members of the collaborative research team.


Eligibility: In order for a proposal to be considered, faculty from Virginia Tech and outside of the University can be part of the collaborative team(s), but at least one PI must be CLAHS faculty.

For the third funding opportunity, the research team must either (1) include an EU-based researcher and relevant partner institution, or (2) outline a clear plan of how the research team will identify and develop a standing relationship with an EU-based research institution to develop a collaborative proposal that will be submitted for extramural funding.

Timeline: The deadline for applications is December 18, 2021. Incomplete, late, or incorrectly formatted applications will not be considered. Notification of awards will be made in January 2022.

Requirements: If a proposal is funded, members of the research team are committing to (1) presenting individual and/or joint research results at CEUTTSS workshop(s), lecture(s), or another CEUTTSS-sponsored event; (2) providing a final report of activities upon project completion; (3) acknowledging CEUTTSS and ISCE for support in all manuscripts and presentations benefitting from this funding; (4) serving as CEUTTSS Research Associates for the period of the grant. Grant money must be spent by June 2022.

Application procedure: The application should be a maximum of three pages total, with one-inch margins and text single-spaced in Arial 11. In addition, and not counting toward the three-page limit, al applications must include:

  • A statement to outline “Project Feasibility During the Pandemic” should be included toward the end of the proposal (no more than 200 words).
  • Two-page CVs must be provided for co-PIs that are not CEUTTSS core faculty. CEUTTSS core faculty do not need to submit their CVs.
  • A list of references cited can be added as an additional page.


All files should be sent in a single pdf file by email to; label files as LAST NAME_CEUTTSSApplication2021.

Application Review Criteria:

Applications will be reviewed by an ad hoc committee and funding decisions will be based on the abovementioned criteria as well as:

  • Relevance of the activity to advancing CEUTTSS mission and goals.
  • Feasibility of proposed research project.
  • Interdisciplinary strength of the project and diversity of the research team.
  • If the goal is to seek extramural funding, a clear plan for how this support will lead to developing ties with EU-based partners and the submission of a collaborative external proposal.
  • Positive track record of past engagement by applicants in European, Transatlantic, and/or trans-European research.

The grant program is supported by the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences and the Institute for Society, Culture, and Environment.

Please direct any further questions to Chris Price (