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John Ryan (In Memoriam)

John Ryan, Professor

John Ryan, Professor
John Ryan, Professor

Department of Sociology
560 McBryde Hall 
225 Stanger Street
Blacksburg, VA 24061

John Ryan, PhD, was a professor of sociology at Virginia Tech. His research interests included the study of culture production and consumption, as well as violence and crime control within communities. His more recent research focused on community recovery from mass violence in the United States and Finland, and the acquisition and use of cultural capital across the life course.

  • Sociology of Culture
  • Community Recovery from Violence
  • PhD, Vanderbilt University
  • BA, West Virginia University
  • Chair, Department of Sociology
  • Member, American Sociological Association
  • Member, Southern Sociological Association
  • Award for Excellence in Administration, College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences
  • Award for Excellence in Research and Creative Scholarship (shared with James Hawdon), College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences


Ryan, John. 1985. The Production of Culture in the Music Industry:  The ASCAP BMI Controversy. Landham, MD: University Press of America.

Ryan, John and William Wentworth. 1999. Media and Society: The Production of Culture in the Mass Media. New York: Allyn & Bacon.

Hawdon, James, John Ryan, and Marc Lucht (editors). 2014. The Causes and Consequences of Group Violence: From Bullies to Terrorists. Lanham, MD: Lexington Press.

Hawdon, James, Atte Oksanen, Pekka Räsänen, and John Ryan. 2012. School Shootings and Local Communities: An International Comparison between the United States and Finland. University of Turku Press: Turku, Finland.

Journal Articles

Hawdon, James, Laura Agnich, Robert Wood, and John Ryan.  Forthcoming. “The Social Coping Model and the Media Coverage of the Virginia Tech and Sandy Hook Tragedies.” In Lisa Eargle and Ashraf Esmail (Eds.) Gun Violence in American Society New York: University Press of America

Hawdon, James, Laura Agnich, and John Ryan.  2014. “Media Framing of a Tragedy: A Content Analysis of Print Media Coverage of the Virginia Tech Tragedy."  Traumatology, 20 (3): 199-208.

Hawdon, James and John Ryan. 2012. “Wellbeing after the Virginia Tech Mass Murder: The Relative Effectiveness of Face-to-Face and Virtual Interactions in Providing Support for Survivors.” Traumatology, 18 (4): 3-11. 

Harrison, Jill and John Ryan, 2010 “Ageing and Music,” Ageing & Society 30, 2010, 649–669.

  • Hawdon, James (PI) and John Ryan.  2010. “The Gulf Disaster’s Effect on Three Communities.”  Funded for $10,033 for one year from Virginia Tech’s The Institute for Society, Culture, and Environment.
  • Hawdon, James and John Ryan.  2008. “Social Relations and Community Solidarity: An International Comparative Analysis.” $44,917 from The National Science Foundation. SES 0825662.
  • Hawdon, James and John Ryan.  2007.  “Campus Violence: Exploring a Community’s Response to Tragedy.”  $103,586 from The National Science Foundation. SES 0735471.

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