Lauren May Published ‘I as University Supervisor: Transacting to Become I as Teacher Educator,’ Presented and Published at Two Conferences
August 2, 2021
Curriculum and Instruction doctoral student Lauren May published “I as University Supervisor: Transacting to Become I as Teacher Educator,” Dialogicality. Personal, Local, and Planetary Dialogue in Education, Health Citizenship, and Research, ed. Carles Monereo, Crista Weise, and Hubert Hermans (2021), pp. 79–81.
In addition, May presented the poster “I as University Supervisor: Transacting to Become I as Teacher Educator” at the 11th International Conference on the Dialogical Self, which was held virtually June 7–10; and the paper “It Comes with Experience: A Self-study of a Preservice Teacher’s Self-efficacy with Teaching Literacy” at the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, which was held virtually April 8–12.