The following ASPECT doctoral students presented papers at the Cultural Studies Association Annual Conference: Sam Beckenhauer, “Simulating Enemies in Information Society:  Tabloid Subjects as Conspiracy Theorists”; Linea Cutter, “Consuming Biopower: The Binge-Restrict Eating Regime and Nutritional Technologies of the Self”; Hannah Glasson, “Material Bodies, Posthuman Bodies:  Feminist Directions in Theories of Ecological Materiality”; Sarah Plummer, “Upside Down: Bread and Puppet’s Use of the Circus Form” and “Puppets, Power, and Protest”; Shaun Respess, “The Suicidal Body: Expressions of a Grievable Resistance”; Molly Todd, “Border Constellations and Imagination in ‘The Frontera Project’”; Sara Wenger, “On Nonhuman Service: Dental Robots, Sexbots, and Deep Fakes.”  

The conference was held virtually June 10–12.