'Free at Last - Martin Luther King, Jr.': A Virtual Film Discussion and a Celebration

The Virginia Tech School of Education's Diversity & Inclusion Committee invites all to a virtual celebration of the educational legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
On Friday, March 12th, from 6:30 to 8 PM, we will gather on Zoom to discuss the film Free at Last—Martin Luther King, Jr., an Emmy Award-winning behind-the-scenes documentary of the last months of Dr. King’s life, during the planning of and training for the Poor People’s March.
Attendees are asked to watch the 90-minute film at their own convenience, freely available at the PBS website or ON PBS streaming apps. Because the civil rights movement used fellowship, food, art, poetry, music and more to educate its members and encourage gathering and joy, we invite attendees to share the aspects of their own cultures that inspire civil rights and human rights. What poem stirs your soul toward justice? What dish did neighbors share when they met to plan civil actions? What art inspires you to do better in the world? What songs do you want playing when you march for better social policy? Bring these to share with other attendees.
Families are encouraged!
Watch the video, and join us for a structured conversation and discussion of the documentary, then stay for a celebration of our collective cultural souls.
Event Contacts
Dr. Donna Fogelsong donnafogelsong@vt.edu
Dr. Marcus Weaver-Hightower