Gonzalo Montero
- Department of Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures

220 Stanger Street
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Gonzalo Montero is an Associate Professor of Spanish at Virginia Tech. He works on modern and contemporary Latin American literature and culture with a focus on the Southern Cone and the Andean Region. He has published articles in Latin American Literary Review, Studies in Latin American Popular Culture, Chasqui, Textos Híbridos, Confluencia, among other journals. He has edited three books in the Chilean press Cuarto Propio. He is currently working on two book manuscripts. The first, titled Cultures of Emancipation. Intellectuals and Artists Imagining Chilean Socialism (1970-1973), focuses on the cultural production during the Socialist Government of Salvador Allende in Chile, and the role of culture in the process of imagining the project of Chilean democratic Socialism.
The second book project, tentatively titled Technologies of Migration: Media, Artifacts and the Popular in Mid-Century Chile, studies the cultural transformations that took place in Chile during the massive migration from the countryside to the cities in the first half of the twentieth century, and how intellectuals and artists made use of relatively new technologies-photography, cinema, sound recorders, radio- while portraying these demographic flows, and thus articulating a new, popular, and migrant notion of national identity.