Virginia Educators Applying Reading Science (VEARS) Session 3
April 19, 2022

Big Words:
Systematic Instruction for Decoding and Understanding Multisyllabic and Multimorphemic Words
Decoding instruction is not done with phonics!
In fact, one-in-four words have multiple parts including syllables and morphemes (e.g.,-ies, -ed, pre-). Students need systematic instruction to read and understand big words.
Should you teach syllabification? Which morphemes are most useful? How do word parts and word meanings intersect? Come to this webinar to find out.
Date: Tuesday, April 19, 2022, from 5:00 to 6:15 p.m. EST
Continuing and Professional Education
School of Education Webinars April 2022
Cost: $25 / webinar
Contact: Heidi Anne Mesmer, School of Education (
Virginia Educators Applying Reading Science (VEARS) Webinar Series
In response to the urgent need to translate reading science for K-12 educators, Virginia Tech is hosting four webinars on timely, educational topics. The goal of the series, entitled Virginia Educators Applying Reading Science (VEARS), is to clearly and succinctly interpret research based strategies and techniques in ways that are directly applicable to the classroom. Each webinar targets a specific strategy or series of techniques, and brings pragmatic translations of research to teachers. The webinars will minimize broad “ideas,” and “theories,” and emphasize pragmatic “How-tos” taken directly from applied studies.
For example, shared reading, a technique that models the alphabetic principle for pre literate learners, is grounded in a body of applied work that specifies particular steps and teacher actions. VEARS webinars will connect teachers to research-proven strategies that they can use in their classrooms immediately.
Note: Each webinar is a stand alone offering. There is no need to take all 4 of the offered webinars.