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Amanda C. Demmer

Amanda Demmer, Asociate Professor

Amanda Demmer, Associate Professor
Amanda Demmer, Associate Professor

Department of History
404 Major Williams Hall, 220 Stanger St.
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540-231-5331 |

Amanda C. Demmer is an associate professor of American history at Virginia Tech. She researches and teaches about war, diplomacy, and human rights. Her first book, After Saigon’s Fall: Refugees and U.S.-Vietnamese Relations, 1975-2000, was published in 2021 with Cambridge University Press. In addition to authoring a variety of articles and chapters, her work has appeared in the Washington Post, the New York Times, Forbes, CBS News, Apple News Today, and other outlets. She currently researching and writing her second book project, tentatively titled Ginetta Sagan: Life and Legacy of a Human Rights Icon.  

  • War and Society
  • U.S. Foreign Relations 
  • Migration Studies
  • Human Rights
  • Ph.D., University of New Hampshire
  • M.A., University of New Hampshire
  • B.A., State University of New York at Fredonia 
  • Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations   
  • Society for Military History 
  • American Historical Association 
  • Organization of American Historians
  • 2019 Betty M. Unterberger Dissertation Prize, Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations, Honorable Mention
  • 2017 Fellow, Clements Center for National Security at the University of Texas at Austin, Summer Seminar in Statecraft and History 
  • Gerald R. Ford Scholar Award in Honor of Robert M. Teeter, Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library 


After Saigon's Fall: Refugees and US-Vietnamese Relations, 1975–2000 (Cambridge University Press, 2021)

Journal Articles

 “Trick or Constitutional Treaty?: The Jay Treaty and the Quarrel Over the Diplomatic Separation of Powers” Journal of the Early Republic, 35.4 (Winter 2015): 579-598

Book Chapters

“Forging Consensus on Vietnamese Reeducation Camp Detainees: The Families of Vietnamese Political Prisoners Association and U.S.-Vietnam Normalization,” in Andy Johns and Mitch Lerner (eds.) The Cold War at Home and Abroad: Domestic Politics and U.S. Foreign Policy since 1945 (University of Kentucky Press, 2018)

Reference Essays

U.S.-SRV Relations,” in The Oxford Reference Encyclopedia (ORE) in American History (Oxford University Press Online, September 2019)

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