Matthew Komelski
Department of Human Development and Human Science
295 West Campus Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540-357-3822 |
Matthew Komelski is an Advanced Instructor of Human Development and Director of the Adaptive Brain and Behavior Minor.
Accepting new grad students: No
In need of students for research team: No
- Effects of mind-body practice on healthy longevity and resilience
- Best practices for introducing mindfulness to novices and college-aged individuals
- Best mindfulness-based practice protocol for use with special populations, such as individuals with anxiety and trauma, as well as individuals with age-related chronic and neurological conditions
- Long-term effects of learning mindfulness-based practices in college
- Basic biomarker and brain structure/function research related to Taiji and Qigong practice
- The use of Taiji partner training (novel protocol) to improve balance and reactive recovery in middle-aged and older adults
- B.A.- History, Philosophy and Religious Studies
- M.A.- Asian Studies (language and mind-body culture in China, Korea, & Japan)
- M.S. and Ph.D.- Human Development Graduate Certificate in Gerontology
- Director, Adaptive Brain and Behavior Minor, Department of Human Development & Family Science, VT
- Senior Fellow, Honors Residential College, VT
- Member, Advisory Council for First Year Experiences, VT
- Coach, Amateur Athletic Union
- 2020 Excellence in Teaching Award- Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, VT
- 2020 VT Engage Faculty Fellow- VT Engage, VT
- 2019 Learning Systems Innovation and Effectiveness Fellowship (2019)
- 2018 Faculty Scholar- Virginia Tech Graduate Academy of Teaching Excellence
- 2017 Teacher of the Week Award- Center for Instructional Design and Educational Research
- 2016 Favorite Faculty Award- VT Housing and Residence Life
- 2014 Favorite Faculty Award- VT Housing and Residence Life
- 2013 Favorite Faculty Award- VT Housing and Residence Life
- 2012 Excellence in Access and Inclusion Award- Office of Services for Students with Disabilities and the Office for Diversity and Inclusion
- 2011 IDDL: Enterprise fund $2,500- Development of Stage I of an interactive interface for learning mindbody practices online. (PI Dr. Ico Bukvic)
- 2011 CIDER: Instructional Enhancement Grant $2,000 (co-applicant Dr. Shannon Jarrott)
- 2010 Vetra R. & Jay A. Mancini Research Prize: Department of Human Development, VT
Komelski, M. F., Shankar, M., Allen, K. R., Janac, B. R., (2022) Challenges, Adaptation, and Learning in an Immersive Mindfulness-Based Practices Course: College Student Perspectives. Educational Review.
Munro, S., Komelski, M., Lutgens, B., Lagoy, J. and Detweiler, M., 2019. Improving the Health of Veterans Though Moving Meditation Practices: A Mixed-Methods Pilot Study. Journal of Veterans Studies, 5(1), pp.16–23.
Komelski, M. F., Blieszner, R., & Miyazaki, Y. (2016). Curriculum, practice and diet predict health among experienced Taiji and Qigong practitioners. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 22, 154-159.
Komelski, M. F, Blieszner, R., & Miyazaki, Y. (2012). Comparing the health status of US Taijiquan and qigong practitioners to a national survey sample across ages. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 18, 281–286.
Komelski, M. F., & Kim, K. Y. (2012). Taiji self-care: Program development for extended care nursing staff at a local Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Federal Practitioner, 29, 9-14.
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