Council on VT History Showcases Projects
April 1, 2019
The College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences was well represented at the showcase of the Council on VT History, which was unveiled on March 20 at Newman Library. Featured were: “From Orange to Maroon,” a history of Virginia Tech presented by Peter Wallenstein, a professor of history; “If This Place Could Talk: Visualizing 150 Years of Virginia Tech’s History” by Paul Quigley, the James I. Robertson, Jr. Associate Professor of Civil War Studies in the Department of History; “VT Stories,” stories of alumni, faculty, staff, and community members gathered by Katrina Powell, a professor and director of the Center for Rhetoric in Society and the Ph.D. Program in Rhetoric and Writing in the Department of English, and her team; and “Voices in the Stone,” live performance in theatre, dance, and music coordinated by Paul Steger, a professor of theatre and director of the School of Performing Arts. All projects will be completed for Virginia Tech’s sesquicentennial in 2022. Established in 2017, the council explores how Virginia Tech might recognize and acknowledge its history in the context of today and the Beyond Boundaries vision for the future.