The music of Eric Lyon, School of Performing Arts, was performed at the following concerts in New York City.  LyonFest 2019 presented three concerts in Brooklyn featuring his music and arrangements.  On March 10 his composition “Three Melodies for Vibraphone” was performed by NYC-based percussionist Cory Bracken on “Sound Connections:  Performers as Composers” in Brooklyn. The concert “Beats and Chaos” on March 13 at Areté Venue and Gallery featured performances by both NYC-based performers and Virginia Tech faculty members Jason Crafton, Jay Crone, Kyle Hutchins, and Alan Weinstein; it included the world premiere of “Coronation” for trumpet and computer, performed by Jason Crafton.  A second concert at Areté presented solo and duo works composed for String Noise. In addition, on March 14 the violin duo String Noise performed the complete set of Lyon's Rock Arrangements at Spectrum NYC, including songs from such bands as R.E.M., X, Bad Brains, Minutemen, and Flipper.  From March 28–30 Lyon was the composer-in-residence at the University of South Florida, Tampa.