About the Educational Research and Evaluation Graduate Certificate

The Educational Research and Evaluation Program is committed to achieving excellence in research and teaching. We specialize in research methodology, as it relates to education, the behavioral sciences, and the social sciences in general, and emphasize the areas of evaluation/assessment, qualitative methods, and quantitative methods (i.e., applied statistics and measurement).
The Graduate Certificate in Educational Research and Evaluation is designed to recognize graduate students who have gained methodological expertise that goes beyond the methodological skills that are acquired in introductory methodology courses. More specifically, the certificate recognizes the completion of specialized coursework in evaluation/assessment, measurement, qualitative methods, and/or statistics. The certificate is also intended for students who already hold a graduate degree but who wish to obtain a credential in research methodology that will be of benefit to them in their careers.
The Graduate Certificate in Educational Research and Evaluation demonstrates that a graduate student has achieved a level of proficiency in research methodology that exceeds what is possible at an introductory level. Learning outcomes for the certificate include the following:
- Understand basic and advanced methodological concepts that are associated with evaluation/assessment, measurement, qualitative, and/or statistical research.
- Understand and effectively use a variety of methodological techniques and practices that are associated with evaluation/assessment, measurement, qualitative, and/or statistical research.
- Understand basic and advanced research design issues and effectively design an evaluation/assessment, measurement, qualitative, and/or statistical study.
- Develop an effective research proposal for evaluation/assessment, measurement, qualitative, and/or statistical research.
- Understand and effectively use a variety of data collection methods and techniques that are associated with evaluation/assessment, measurement, qualitative, and/or statistical research.
- Understand and effectively use a variety of data analysis methods and techniques that are associated with evaluation/assessment, measurement, qualitative, and/or statistical research.
- Develop an effective research report of evaluation/assessment, measurement, qualitative, and/or statistical research.
- Develop an effective oral and/or visual presentation of evaluation/assessment, measurement, qualitative, and/or statistical research.
- Understand and use appropriate criteria to effectively evaluate the quality of research proposals and research reports for evaluation/assessment, measurement, qualitative, and/or statistical research.

The Graduate Certificate in Educational Research and Evaluation requires 9 credit hours of specialized coursework in EDRE. This excludes introductory courses that are prerequisites for specialized courses, i.e., Quantitative Research Methods in Education I (EDRE 6605), Quantitative Research Methods in Education II (EDRE 6606), Qualitative Methods in Education Research I (EDRE 6504), Evaluation Methods in Education Research I (EDRE 6704), and all 5000-level EDRE courses other than EDRE 5644. A grade of B or higher is required for all of the courses that are completed for the certificate, and courses that are taken as Pass/Fail or Audit can not be used for the certificate. Also, transfer credit or credit for courses that have been completed in programs other than the EDRE program is not permitted.
Please note that EDRE 6634 (Advanced Statistics) is required for all upper-level measurement and statistics courses and can be used for the certificate. The prerequisite(s) for each course listed below is indicated in the course description section that follows.
Recommended Combinations of Specialized Educational Research and Evaluation Courses:
Evaluation / Assessment:
- EDRE 5644: Questionnaire Design and Survey Research in Education
- EDRE 6684: Instrument Development and Validation
- EDRE 6744: Mixed Method Research Design
- EDRE 6794: Advanced Topics in Educational Research: Assessment in Higher Education
- EDRE 6794: Advanced Topics in Educational Research: Evaluation Methods in Education Research II
- EDRE 6624: Measurement Theory in Education
- EDRE 6634 / STAT 6634: Advanced Statistics for Education
- EDRE 6654: Multivariate Statistics for Applications to Educational Problems
- EDRE 6684: Instrument Development and Validation
- EDRE 6754: Advanced Item Response Theory
Qualitative Methods:
- EDRE 6524: Qualitative Methods in Educational Research II
- EDRE 6784: Advanced Issues in Qualitative Research
- EDRE 6634 / STAT 6634: Advanced Statistics for Education
- EDRE 6654: Multivariate Statistics for Applications to Educational Problems
- EDRE 6664: Application of Structural Equations in Education
- EDRE 6694: Hierarchical Linear Modeling
- ... or a relevant Advanced Issues course
Visit the Application page for more information on how to apply, including requirements, deadlines, and what you'll need in detail.
The Educational Research and Evaluation Graduate Certificate also requires the submission of a relevant work sample, which is evaluated by an appropriate EDRE faculty member, using this evaluation rubric.
Course Descriptions
Research and evaluation in education with emphasis on development of skill requisite for utilizing research and evaluation studies in practical situations. Applies these skills in exercises related to various research and evaluation models.
Credit Hour(s): 3
Lecture Hour(s): 3
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture, Online Lecture
This course provides an overview of survey research for graduate students in education. It covers the process from project formulation and sampling, through instrument design and question formulation, to data processing and report writing. Emphasis will be on questionnaire design, providing students with an opportunity to create and revise their own questionnaire and critique instruments used in educational surveys.
Credit Hour(s): 3
Lecture Hour(s): 3
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture, Online Lecture
Prerequisite(s): EDRE 5404 (UG) OR EDRE 5404
Introducation to Mixed Methods research and evaluation in applied social and behavorial sciences, including education, human development, sociology, and medicine. Mixed methods are used to collect and analyze both qualitive and quantitative data.
Credit Hour(s): 3
Lecture Hour(s): 3
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture, Online Lecture
Prerequisite(s): EDRE 5404
Credit Hour(s): 1 TO 19
Lecture Hour(s): 1 TO 19
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Independent Study
Credit Hour(s): 1 TO 19
Lecture Hour(s): 1 TO 19
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture, Online Lecture
This course provides an introduction to qualitative research methods. It considers mainstream qualitative research traditions, including case study, phenomenology, ethnography, grounded theory, and participatory research. Students will conduct observations, interviews and basic data analysis.
Credit Hour(s): 3
Lecture Hour(s): 3
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture, Online Lecture
Prerequisite(s): EDRE 5404
This course provides an advanced examination of qualitative inquiry in educational and human science research. It considers theoretical assumptions of major qualitative research traditions and provides students advanced skills in data analysis and representation.
Credit Hour(s): 3
Lecture Hour(s): 3
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture
Prerequisite(s): EDRE 6504
This two-course sequence is designed to provide an overview of basic research design, measurement and statistical concepts in social and behavioral research. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the process of social and educational research in field settings, hands on experience of designing and conducting research and analysis of data. I,II.
Credit Hour(s): 3
Lecture Hour(s): 3
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture, Online Lecture
Prerequisite(s): EDRE 5404 (UG) OR EDRE 5404
This two-course sequence is designed to provide an overview of basic research design, measurement and statistical concepts in social and behavioral research. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the process of social and educational research in field settings, hands on experience of designing and conducting research and analysis of data. I,II.
Credit Hour(s): 3
Lecture Hour(s): 3
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture, Online Lecture
Prerequisite(s): EDRE 6605
Methods and theories of estimating and enhancing test score characteristics, particularly reliability and validity of aptitude and achievement tests. Problems associated with test construction, use, and score interpretation will be emphasized.
Credit Hour(s): 3
Lecture Hour(s): 3
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture
Prerequisite(s): STAT 5634
Multiple regression procedures for analyzing data as applied in educational settings, including curvilinear regressions, dummy variables, multicollinearity, and introduction to path analysis. II
Credit Hour(s): 3
Lecture Hour(s): 3
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture
Prerequisite(s): null null
Multivariate statistical procedures presented in an applied research setting. Oriented toward the logical extension of univariate tests of significance and estimation procedures to multivariate problems. Emphasis on using existing computer software packages.
Credit Hour(s): 3
Lecture Hour(s): 3
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture
Prerequisite(s): (STAT 6634 (UG), EDRE 6634 (UG), STAT 6644 (UG), EDRE 6644 (UG)) OR (STAT 6634, EDRE 6634, STAT 6644, EDRE 6644)
Applications of structural equation causal models in educational research and discussion of the methodological questions pertaining to such models. Topics include recursive and nonrecursive models, measurement errors in causal models, latent unobserved variables, and covariance structures.
Credit Hour(s): 3
Lecture Hour(s): 3
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture
Prerequisite(s): EDRE 6634
Introduction to longitudinal data analysis (LDA) as applied to the behavioral and social sciences, including education, psychology, human development, sociology, and health sciences. Topics covered include advanced methods of LDA such as growth models in hierarchical linear modeling (or multilevel modeling), latent curve models in structural equation modeling, and econometric fixed effects models. Other methods will be covered when appropriate.
Credit Hour(s): 3
Lecture Hour(s): 3
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture
Prerequisite(s): EDRE 6634
Provides experiences in developing instruments, or tests, that are designed to measure educational and psychological constructs, such as knowledge, skills, attitudes, and traits. Issues and practices relating to construct specification, instrument design and administration, and analysis and summary of validity study data will be emphasized. Must have EDRE 6606 prerequisite or comparable graduate level statistics course.
Credit Hour(s): 3
Lecture Hour(s): 3
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture
Prerequisite(s): EDRE 6606
Provides a conceptual framework of hierarchical linear modeling (HLM), some important statistical theory behind the HLM, and hands-on training for applying HLM technique through analyzing example data sets and projects. The course includes the formulation of statistical models for typical applications such as two-level organizational study, two-level growth model, and three-level growth model within contexts and prepares students to be able to use multilevel analysis to address research questions in their fields and write coherent summaries and interpretations of the results.
Credit Hour(s): 3
Lecture Hour(s): 3
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture
Prerequisite(s): EDRE 6634
Principles of evaluation with emphasis on practices applicable to a variety of educational settings. The theoretical and philosophical bases which lead to alternative methodologies. Design and measurement alternatives are considered within the jurisdictional, theoretical, and philosophical contexts.
Credit Hour(s): 3
Lecture Hour(s): 3
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture
Prerequisite(s): null null
Provides an introduction to mixed methods research design in the human and behavioral sciences. Students will design and execute a pilot study for a mixed method research project.
Credit Hour(s): 3
Lecture Hour(s): 3
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture, Online Research
Prerequisite(s): EDRE 6606, EDRE 6504
Provides students with the concepts and skills to carry out Item Response Theory (IRT) analyses using specialized software, and an introduction to research in measurement. Topics will include binary and polytomous models, item and ability parameter estimation, model fit, and scaling and equating.
Credit Hour(s): 3
Lecture Hour(s): 3
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture
Prerequisite(s): EDRE 6624 OR EDRE 6684
Provides an in-depth look at one or more research topics in psychometrics, or the statistical foundations of educational and psychological tests. Students will become familiar with current research, acquire specialized psychometric analysis skills, and learn how to conduct psychometric research. Topics coverd may vary from term to term. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits.
Credit Hours: 3
Lecture Hours: 3
Level(s): Graduate
Instruction Type: Lecture, Lecture 1
Provides advanced treatment of important theoretical and methodological topics in the contemporary qualitative literature and in the ongoing development of qualitative methodology. Emphasis is placed on addressing both theoretical issues and issues of research praxis. Topics covered vary from term to term.
Credit Hour(s): 3
Lecture Hour(s): 3
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture
Prerequisite(s): EDRE 6524
Advanced treatment beyond standard courses in topics such as questionnaire design, survey sampling, factor analysis, and meta analysis. May be repeated with different topics for up to 6 hours of credit.
Credit Hour(s): 1 TO 6
Lecture Hour(s): 1 TO 6
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture, Online Lecture
Prerequisite(s): STAT 5634
Credit Hour(s): 1 TO 19
Lecture Hour(s): 1 TO 19
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Independent Study
Credit Hour(s): 1 TO 19
Lecture Hour(s): 1 TO 19
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture
Planned program of advanced clinical practice in education through assignment under direct supervision of outstanding practitioner for periods of up to two semesters. (Maximum 24C).
Credit Hour(s): 1 TO 24
Lecture Hour(s): 1 TO 24
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture
Advanced applied research and/or evaluation study in one or more educational institutions or agencies. The student is graded on the basis of the design of the study and ability to conduct the study and report the results. (Maximum 12C).
Credit Hour(s): 1 TO 12
Lecture Hour(s): 1 TO 12
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture
Credit Hour(s): 1 TO 19
Lecture Hour(s):
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Research
Our Educational Research and Evaluation program faculty include widely published, nationally recognized authors and researchers.