Brett Jones, a professor in the School of Education, published the following: “Testing the MUSIC Model of Motivation Theory: Relationships between Students’ Perceptions, Engagement, and Overall Ratings,” The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 10.3 (2019): 1–15; “Transforming Traditional Teaching: A Professional Development Program for the College EFL Teachers,” Theory and Practice in Language Studies 9.12 (2019): 1494–1500, with School of Education alumna Ming Li; “Needs, Motivations, and Identification with Teaching: A Comparative Study of Temporary Part-time and Tenure-track Health Science Faculty in Iceland,” BMC Medical Education 19 (2019): 1–10, with Abigail Snook, Asta Schram, and Thorarinn Sveinsson; “Relationships between Students’ Course Perceptions, Engagement, and Learning,” Social Psychology of Education: An International Journal 22 (2019): 819–39, with Devin Carter; and “Factors Predicting Identity as Educators and Openness to Improve: An Exploratory Study,” Medical Education 53.8 (2019): 788–98, with Abigail Snook, Asta Schram, and Thorarinn Sveinsson.