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Doctoral student awarded fellowship for work in transformative graduate education

PhD student Rebbeca Steele on diversity in graduate education and life.

Student Spotlight: Annabell Graham, Music Education Master's Student

Annabelle shares how she prepared for a seamless transition to Virginia Tech


Hannah Bayne Receives Award for Assessment Research

Hannah Bayne recently received the Patricia B. Elmore Award for an article titled "Development and Initial Validation of the Political Identity and Relational Impact Scale”. The award is given by the Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling (AARC) for Outstanding Research in Measurement and Evaluation. Her article outlines the creation and editing of a scale intended to measure how people respond to political conflict personally and in relationships with others.

outline image of a folded newspaper


Marcus Johnson Earns New Positions on Two National Boards

Marcus Johnson was appointed co-chair of the board of the National Consortium for Instruction and Cognition (NCIC), dedicated to conducting, publishing, and disseminating educational research, especially research related to the cognitive processes involved in instructional sequences. He was also  awarded Fellow status by the American Psychological Association (APA) beginning Jan. 1, 2024.

Music for TAs: Increasing engagement within computer science, in the classroom and beyond

Brett Jones recently received a grant to research how his MUSIC model of motivation can be used by TAs in Computer Science Classrooms.

Claire Robbins and doctoral candidate Nicole J. Johnson appointed to Board of Trustees for the American College Personnel Association


Homecoming Tailgate: Sat., Oct. 14

Coming to homecoming? Tailgate with us!

11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. | Holtzman Alumni Center Lawn

School of Education will have our own table and some fun games! Look for us under the CLAHS tent next to the stage.

Virginia Tech Humanities Week: Oct. 22-27

Stay tuned for more details, and learn more here! SOE professors Carol Mullen and Charles ‘Chuck’ Lowrey will be presenting, as well as many others. Keynote speaker George Chochos will share his journey from prison to Yale, and how we can help incarcerated students.

Caron Mullen to Give Presidential Address University Council for Educational Administration

Carol Mullen will be presenting the Presidential Address at the UCEA conference. Her presentation is titled Speaking of Allyship — It’s Time to Leap Together in Educational Leadership. The conference will be Nov. 15-18, in Minneapolis, MN.

Faculty Nutshell Talks

Brett Jones was declared one of the five winners of the first ever Faculty Nutshell Talks, held on Sept. 7. Jones’ topic was ‘Motivating Students to Engage in Learning’. The program challenges faculty members to summarize their research in just 90 seconds to the audience and a panel of judges, and is an expansion of a similar challenge for graduate students. Rachelle Kuehl also participated in the event, with the topic ‘Stories Matter: Leveraging the Power of Reading to Build Empathy Across Racial Divides’. The event was held by the Center for Communicating Science, which hopes to hold the event annually.

Videos of all faculty presentations


Sharrika Adams and Tonisha Lane published “Black Women Faculty Navigating a Pandemic amid an Epidemic” in the New Directions for Student Services special issue, “The State of Black Women in Higher Education: A Critical Perspective 20 Years Later,” 182 (Summer 2023): 81–92.

Carol Mullen published “Guiding Online Students in a Crisis: An Intervention for Mentoring Educational Leadership Doctoral Candidates,” Journal of Research on Leadership Education 18.3 (2023): 510–33.

Carol Mullen published “Co-teaching Collaboration in K–12 Inclusive Classrooms: Relevance for Leadership,” Building Inclusive Education in K–12 Classrooms and Higher Education: Theories and Principles, ed. Kiyoji Koreeda et al. (Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global, 2023), pp. 147–65, with SOE alumna Jennifer J. Fleming; “Delivery Matters – or Does It? A Snapshot of Online Versus In-Person Instruction,” Essays in Education 29.2, Article 1; and “Co-mentoring Amongst Teachers and Leaders in Transnational Schooling Contexts,” Studying Teaching and Teacher Education, ed. Cheryl J. Craig, Juanjo Mena, and Ruth G. Kane (Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing, 2023), pp. 193–212, with Andrew J. Hobson.

Josiah Tlou, Professor Emeritus of Teaching and Learning in the School of Education, published “The Cultural Confluence of Ubuntu: A Journey from Zimbabwe to Global Education Leader in the United States,” The Power of Oral History Narratives: Lived Experiences of International Global Scholars and Artists in their Native Country and After Immigrating to the United States,  ed. Toni Fuss Kirkwood-Tucker and Frans Doppen (Charlotte, North Carolina: Information Age Publishing, 2023), pp. 35–56.

Matthew Fullen was featured on public radio show “With Good Reason” in a section titled "Aging Well”.

The  Virginia Tech School of Education is a global catalyst for individual and social transformation through education, applied research, and advocacy. With 20 degree and certificate programs, you can find your own pathway to serve the greater good.