Thank you to our many generous donors!

Funding the Adventure
3rd Most Donors to CLAHS departments & schools!
SOE Totals: 137 donors $ 7,681.22 gifted by donors
plus $5,000 challenge grant
We are delighted to share our incredible results for Giving Day 2022
Rob Medler, Class of ’89 and friend of the SOE, stepped up with a $5,000 challenge grant, contingent upon us receiving donations from 100 donors to the School of Education this year. Thanks to your generosity, we met this challenge, and our students will benefit from the additional opportunities this grant will fund.
The winners of the Giving Day 2022 Swag!
The generous individuals who donated $25 or more to the School of Education Fund during this year's Giving Day were automatically entered for a chance to win one of six 'Burg Boxes and additional SOE Swag (pictured below). The winners are:
- Chase Catalano
- Claire Curcio
- Janet Funk
- Karen Messer-Bourgoin
- Odis McKinzie
- Robert Barrow
Congratulations and thanks to all those who donated this year!
Your donations help our School, while also sending a powerful message that education and educators matter.
Thank you for helping make this our most successful Giving Day campaign yet!