Alexander Moore, a doctoral student in the Curriculum and Instruction (Mathematics Education) program in the School of Education, presented “Disrupting Normativity in Mathematics Education: Meeting Queer Students at the Intersection of their Queer and Mathematical Identities,” with Brandie E. Waid et al. and “Borders, Gender, and Performative Contradictions in Active Learning,” with Estrella Johnson at the Eleventh Mathematics Education and Society Conference, which was organized by the Institute for Didactics of Mathematics of the University of Klagenfurt in Klagenfurt, Austria, and held virtually September 24–29. Both were in Exploring New Ways to Connect: Proceedings of the Eleventh Mathematics Education and Society Conference, ed. David Kollosche (Austria: Klagenfurt, 2021), the former on pp. 119–21 and the latter on pp. 203–06.