Instructional Design and Technology
*M.A.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction

Instructional Design and Technology (IDT) applies what is empirically understood about how humans learn and improve upon performance to the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of learning and performance support products, processes, and environments.
IDT professionals understand and leverage technologies as both product (such as a Web-based course for distant learners or print-based job-aids for the workplace) and process (such as an iterative and formative approach to learner assessment). Instructional technologists practice their unique, multidisciplinary profession in a variety of settings including industry, preK-12 schools, higher education, and government.
Our faculty and staff in the Instructional Design and Technology Program have very diverse interests that encompass all aspects of instructional technology and committed to support students as they develop the professional, academic, research, and interpersonal skills required for a successful career of their choice.
Our coursework is designed to help students advance their understanding of educational issues, theories, and practice related to Instructional Design and Technology. Our IDT program is affiliated with the Center for Instructional Technology Solutions in Industry and Education (CITSIE) that offers excellent research opportunities with a focus on design, development, and evaluation of learning experiences, distance learning, health promotion, preparation of instructional technology professionals, and innovations in technology.
The Instructional Design and Technology Master's Program is a rigorous graduate program designed to prepare you to be a professional instructional technologist. As a graduate of the Virginia Tech IDT, you will enjoy the respect and opportunities afforded by completing one of the finest Instructional Technology programs in the country.
Graduates of the IDT master’s program apply their multidisciplinary expertise as instructional designers, trainers, or performance consultants in educational institutions, businesses, organizations, and government, and as teachers or technology coordinators in PreK-12 or collegiate settings.

Instructional Design and Technology is dedicated to applying what is empirically understood about how humans learn and improve upon performance to the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of learning and performance support products, processes, and environments. IDT professionals understand and leverage technologies as both product (such as a Web-based course for distant learners or print-based job-aids for the workplace) and process (such as an iterative and formative approach to learner assessment). Instructional technologists practice their unique, multidisciplinary profession in a variety of settings including industry, preK-12 schools, higher education, and government. Students successfully completing this program will earn an M.A.Ed. in Curriculum & Instruction with a specialization in Instructional Design & Technology.
The Instructional Design & Technology Master's Degree program is a 30-credit hour degree program consisting of coursework in foundations of Instructional Design and Technology, research methods, and electives.
There are three components for the Master’s degree plan of study:
IDT Foundation Courses:
- EDIT 5154: Theoretical Foundations of Technology Enhanced Learning
- EDIT 5164: Design for Learning
- EDIT 5274: Foundations of IDT
- EDIT 5904: Project and Report
- EDIT 5654: IDT Portfolio
Research Course:
- EDIT 5584: Program and Product Evaluation
Instructional Technology Restricted Electives:
- EDIT 5224: Principles of Learning Message Design
- EDIT 5534: Applied Theories of Instructional Design
- EDIT 5564: Visual Literacy
- EDIT 5564: Applications of Digital Media
- EDIT 5564: Topics in Instructional Technology Tools and Methods
- EDIT 5604: Distance Education
- EDIT 5614: Digitally Mediated Learning
- EDIT 5624: Interactive Learning Media, Arts, and Design
- EDIT 5634: Interactive Learning Media Design
- EDIT 5774: Software Evaluation
- EDIT 5774: Problems in Education
- EDIT 5784: Graduate Seminar in Education
- EDIT 5974: Independent Study
The process of developing electronic portfolios serves to provide meaningful learning contexts for the acquisition and application of instructional design and development skills. In addition, the portfolios will serve as a means of assessing and evaluating what you have learned from the program. The competencies you will develop are established by the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT). In addition to these competencies, the electronic portfolio is designed to showcase the specific standards identified by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). The ISTE standards represent recommended foundations in technology for all teachers, and they constitute the core of NCATE's professional education program technology standards.
Course Descriptions
Theoretical perspectives on learning, cognition, and instruction as related to technology-enhanced learning (TEL) from Pre K to college. Concepts and principles for formal and informal learning and design instruction in a variety of settings using technology. Pre: Graduate standing.
Credit Hour(s): 3
Lecture Hour(s): 3
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture, Online Lecture
Course addresses the systematic design of learning experiences and environments. Emphasizes the use of instructional design (ID) models and predominant learning theories (behaviorist, cognitive, and constructivist) to create effective learning experiences. Explores models, principles, and processes used to support learning in both formal (e.g., education, industry) and informal learning environments. Students will design learning experiences employing the models, principles, and processes.
Credit Hour(s): 3
Lecture Hour(s): 3
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture, Online Lecture
Prerequisite(s): EDEP 5114 OR EDIT 5154
A problem-based course applying the principles of message design in the development and production of learning materials. Involves the manipulation of appropriate design elements to influence understanding and behavior. Principles applied primarily through the use of the computer, but applicable to all media. Pre: Graduate standing.
Credit Hour(s): 3
Lecture Hour(s): 3
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture, Online Lecture
Philosophical, theoretical, technological, and ethical underpinnings of the Instructional Design and Technology field. Development of the field, tenets, and opportunities for professionals in the area. Pre: Graduate standing.
Credit Hour(s): 3
Lecture Hour(s): 3
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture, Online Lecture
Emphasis is on translating theory to the practice of instructional systems development. Examines the application of foundational theories of instructional design (systems theory, communication theory, learning theories, and instructional theories) to the development of technology- based learning materials.
Credit Hour(s): 3
Lecture Hour(s): 3
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture, Online Lecture
Introductory or advanced, project-oriented course which examines software tools used to create and organize data for a variety of media elements such as text, graphics, images, animation, audio and video. Topics also include principles, techniques, and modern practices used to produce and/or deliver interactive, multimedia applications for education, professional training, public information, and retail marketing. May be repeated to a maximum of 9 semester hours.
Credit Hour(s): 1 TO 19
Lecture Hour(s): 1 TO 19
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture, Online Lecture
Applied evaluation concepts and issues based on effective instructional design principles and message presentation guidelines derived from the behavioral and cognitive sciences. Students participate in the summative evaluation of a commercially-produced and implemented instructional program as well as conduct the formative evaluation and review of selected media-supported instructional products.
Credit Hour(s): 3
Lecture Hour(s): 3
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture, Online Lecture
This course will provide an overview of the current trends and relevant issues in the field of distance and distributed learning systems. The planning, development, and implementation of distance learning programs will be examined from student, faculty, and administrative perspectives. A variety of distance teaching technologies will be utilized to demonstrate the possibilities and implications of their use for distance instruction.
Credit Hour(s): 3
Lecture Hour(s): 3
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture, Online Lecture
Critical examination of the design, adoption, and use of a digital media (digital games, simulations, social networking technologies) for primarily P-20 education. Applications to formal and informal learning environments.
Credit Hour(s): 3
Lecture Hour(s): 3
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture, Online Lecture
Prerequisite(s): EDIT 5234, EDEP 5114
Design processes is for developing interactive learning media incorporating arts, sciences, and education. Design phases including ideation, storyboarding, public presentation and critique. Design principles and output scenarios for prototyping interactive media to support teaching and learning. Pre: Graduate standing.
Credit Hour(s): 3
Lecture Hour(s): 3
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture, Online Lecture
Methods of developing and evaluating interactive media (hypermedia, multimedia, and serious games) for formal and informal learning contexts. Writing, editing, graphic design, interface design, storyboarding, prototyping, formative evaluation, quality assurance, documentation, and teamwork. Pre: Graduate standing.
Credit Hour(s): 3
Lecture Hour(s): 3
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture, Online Lecture
Reflection on the role of instructional design and technology (IDT) skills and solutions in ones own professional practice. Preparation and evaluation of electronic portfolio documenting achievement of learning outcomes and adherence to professional standards in IDT.
Credit Hour(s): 3
Lecture Hour(s): 3
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture, Online Lecture
Prerequisite(s): EDIT 5164, EDIT 5274
Study of problems of professional educators in such areas as supervision, instruction, and curriculum development.
Credit Hour(s): 1 TO 6
Lecture Hour(s): 1 TO 6
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture, Online Lecture
Selected topics in curriculum and instruction, supervision, educational foundations, special education, research, and evaluation.
Credit Hour(s): 1 TO 6
Lecture Hour(s): 1 TO 6
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Lecture, Online Lecture
Credit Hour(s): 1 TO 19
Lecture Hour(s):
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Research, Online Research
Credit Hour(s): 1 TO 19
Lecture Hour(s): 1 TO 19
Level: Graduate
Instruction Type(s): Independent Study, VI