Apply for Center for Humanities Co-Sponsorship

The Center for Humanities welcomes the opportunity to support humanities events at Virginia Tech. The center’s support for programming includes humanistic disciplines and human-centered social sciences, arts, and creativity, as well as transdisciplinary activities that engage with fundamental questions that concern the human condition. 

The humanities center invites Virginia Tech faculty, staff, and graduate students to apply for funding. We are currently accepting applications for the fall 2023 and spring 2024 semesters. Review of applications will begin September 1, 2023. Applications will still be accepted for review until November 15, 2023.

The Center for Humanities invites proposals that bring humanistic, human-centered work or activities to the university. These events may include but are not limited to: 

 disciplinary events such as departmental programming that will help foster and advance humanistic creativity, scholarship and/or public engagement

interdisciplinary events such as symposia, conferences, or workshops that would  likely not receive enough funding from a single department or program

 public talks or exhibitions by scholars pursuing humanistic, human-centered inquiry or creativity


The Center for Humanities is unable to fund the entire cost of events and is typically able to fund up to 20% of expenses for a given event. Please consider this when preparing your application.

Funding requests will be evaluated in terms of their ability to foster and advance human-centered scholarship and/or the communities of scholarly humanists. Preference is given to events that engage a range of audiences. 


How to Apply for Co-Sponsorship

Co-sponsorship applications are submitted via the online application portal. All documents should be submitted as PDFs.

Graduate student applicants should supply a reference letter from one faculty member. Faculty and Postdoctoral applicants do NOT need reference letters.

Please include the following with your request for funding:

  • Cover Letter (1-page)
    Please provide a brief cover letter that describes the event, the anticipated size of audience/participants, and the relevance to humanistic scholarship. The cover letter should also include the anticipated date/s of the program, and a list of speakers (if relevant).
  • Event Budget
    Please provide a breakdown of your proposed budget, including the amount of funding requested from the Center for Humanities, as well as other confirmed/projected funds from other departments/programs or external funding sources.
  •  Additional files - If you wish to include additional PDFs relevant to your request for funding, please include them in this section.

Application Review Begins: September 1, 2023 

Questions about funding or the application process?  Contact Sylvester Johnson, Director, Virginia Tech Center for Humanities at