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Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee of the Center for Humanities provides recommendations and guidance for programming, guest speakers, annual themes, and strategies that enhance the center’s reach across disciplinary boundaries of the university. 

Name Designation
Julia Beamish, PhD

Professor and Head, Department of Apparel, Housing, Resource Management

College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences

Joseph Bedford Assistant Professor, School of Architecture + Design, Virginia Tech
Jacqueline Bixler, PhD

Professor, Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures

College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences

Jennifer Case, PhD

Professor and Head, Department of Engineering Education

College of Engineering

Gena Chandler-Smith, PhD

Associate Professor of English

Director, Master’s in English Program

College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences

Mark Embree, PhD

Professor of Mathematics

College of Science

Associate Director, Virginia Tech Smart Infrastructure Laboratory

College of Engineering

E. Thomas Ewing, PhD

Professor of History

Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education

College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences

W. Steven Holbrook, PhD

Head, Department of Geosciences

College of Science

Matthew Holt, PhD

Professor and Head, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Myounghoon Jeon, PhD

Associate Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering

College of Engineering

Lara Khansa, MBA, PhD

Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs

Associate Professor in Business Information Technology

Pamplin College of Business

Ann-Marie Knoblauch, PhD

Associate Professor of Art History

Assistant Director, School of Visual Arts

Director, Art History

College of Architecture and Urban Studies

Andrew McCoy, PhD

Professor and Head, Department of Building Construction

Associate Professor of Building Construction, Myers-Lawson School of Construction

College of Architecture and Urban Studies and College of Engineering

Director, Virginia Center for Housing Research

Kim Niewolny, PhD

Associate Professor of Agricultural, Leadership, and Community Education

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Peter Potter, MA

Director of Publishing Strategy

University Libraries

Pamela Teaster, PhD

Director, Center for Gerontology

College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences