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Global Teaching Scholars Scandinavia: Making Global Connections for Student Learning Flyer
Global Teaching Scholars Scandinavia: Making Global Connections for Student Learning

CLAHS Global Initiatives & Engagement, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL), and Global Education Office (GEO) are offering a CLAHS cohort based faculty workshop— Global Teaching Scholars Scandinavia: Making Global Connections for Student Learning that will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark from June 1-June 7, 2025. A partnership with DIS Study Abroad in Scandinavia, this workshop provides strategies for integrating global themes and the UN Sustainable Development goals into teaching and learning as well as research. Please see the program page for more information including a link to the application. The College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences will match up to $1,500 of funds secured by the applicant to support travel if selected to participate. Application Deadline: February 16, 2025. Please email Farida Jalalzai ( with questions.


Past Events


  • Article Item
    Something Supernatural: Mothman
    Something Supernatural: Mothman , article

    This installment of the Something Supernatural: Tales from Around the World Webinar Series explores the legend of Mothman. First emerging in the mid-1960s in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, the Mothman legend continues to intrigue. While a significant example of American folklore, sightings of similar creatures have increasingly been reported worldwide. Dr. Eleanor Hasken-Wagner, folklorist and Museum and Historic Sites Supervisor for the city of Frankfort, Kentucky, will discuss the origin of the Mothman as well as the legend’s migration across time and space. Throughout, she will share fascinating tales. 

  • Article Item
    Women in Afghanistan: Three Years Later
    Women in Afghanistan: Three Years Later , article

    The Taliban's return to power in Afghanistan in 2021 marked a pivotal and troubling turn for women’s rights. In this webinar, two experts on women in Afghanistan assess women’s status in the country since the Taliban’s resurgence.

  • Article Item
    Thinking About High-Stakes Politics Beyond Left, Right, and Center (CEUTS Gender Equity Series)
    Thinking About High-Stakes Politics Beyond Left, Right, and Center (CEUTS Gender Equity Series) , article

    Xydias’s recently published book, Beyond Left, Right, and Center: the Politics of Gender and Ethnicity in Contemporary Germany, contends that both advocacy for and hindrances against expanding the rights of marginalized social groups transcend our conventional ideological categories, especially in multi-party countries. The book shows that finer-grained variation between political parties is more informative, and that a political system’s broadly held social values also play a critical role in how “left” or “right” prioritize issues. But what does this mean when the stakes are understood to be high, as in recent European elections and in upcoming elections in the United States?

  • Article Item
    Is UN Peacekeeping Dying?
    Is UN Peacekeeping Dying? , article

    Guest speaker Dr. Fiifi Edu-Afful Visiting Scholar-In-Residence American University (DC) and University of Maryland

  • Article Item
    Josefina Erikson & Cecilia Josefsson, Associate Professors in the Department of Government, Uppsala University
    Gender Equity Lecture Series: Parliament as a Gendered Workplace , article

    Research on legislatures from a gender perspective has mainly been conducted from a representational perspective. This has implied that the focus primarily has been on the gender equality of political representation in numerical or substantive terms, while the gendered terms and conditions of the legislature’s inner workings have received significantly less attention in the literature. Drawing on their extensive research from the Swedish parliament, Profs. Erikson and Josefsson show how this perspective exposes remaining inequalities in this numerically gender equal context.

  • Article Item
    The Geopolitics of the Israel-Hamas Conflict
    The Geopolitics of the Israel-Hamas Conflict , article

    This virtual panel on Wednesday on March 20th at 5 p.m. EST will feature four foreign policy experts discussing how the Israel-Hamas conflict is reshaping geopolitics and America’s role in the world. 

  • Article Item
    Workshop day:  Empowering voices with the Embassy of Switzerland
    Workshop day: Empowering voices with the Embassy of Switzerland , article

    We are excited to invite you to a special program dedicated to International Women’s Month. Join us on Saturday, March 16, 2024, for a day of insightful discussions, workshops, and networking opportunities. This program is offered by the Embassy of Switzerland, in partnership with the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, The Department of Political Science, The Center for European and Transatlantic Studies, and the Women’s Center at Virginia Tech.

  • Article Item
    Fixing the Leaky Political Pipeline for Women Worldwide: UN Women, Commission on the Status of Women 2024
    Fixing the Leaky Political Pipeline for Women Worldwide: UN Women, Commission on the Status of Women 2024 , article

    Women are underrepresented in politics at all levels around the world. Women’s equal participation in public life and political roles are a critical component of the sustainable development goals as women’s political inclusion facilitates a more vigorous democracy and positions governments to better address pressing issues. Various training programs have been implemented across the globe to reduce some of the barriers to women’s entry.

  • Article Item
    Pathways to Peace in the Israel-Palestine Conflict
    Pathways to Peace in the Israel-Palestine Conflict , article

    Three international policy experts and scholars discussed pathways to peace in the Israel-Palestine conflict and possible long term solutions for stability in the Middle East during a panel discussion co-moderated by Farida Jalalzai, associate dean for global initiatives and engagement in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, and Jim Hawdon, director of the Center for Peace Studies and Violence Prevention at Virginia Tech.

  • Article Item
    Living and Learning Abroad 2024 Photo Exhibit
    Living and Learning Abroad 2024 Photo Exhibit , article

    This photo exhibit brings to life the experiences of Virginia Tech students who have recently participated in faculty-led study abroad programs based in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences. The exhibit illustrates lasting impacts to VT and our global community as well as how VT students engage with the world and the humanity of these experiences.

  • Article Item
    Do Women Fit the Image of a Political Leader?
    Do Women Fit the Image of a Political Leader? , article

    Women are still underrepresented in most governments around the world, even in established democracies. One of the frequently heard explanations is that people won’t vote for women, and they view men as better political leaders than women; in sum, that women don’t fit the image of a leader. However, what people think a leader looks like can change, particularly as they see more women in government.

  • Article Item
    Do Women Fit the Image of a Political Leader?
    Do Women Fit the Image of a Political Leader? , article

    Women are still underrepresented in most governments around the world, even in established democracies. One of the frequently heard explanations is that people won’t vote for women, and they view men as better political leaders than women; in sum, that women don’t fit the image of a leader. However, what people think a leader looks like can change, particularly as they see more women in government.

  • Article Item
    Gender pay gap
    Gender Equity Lecture Series: Closing the Pay Gap , article

    The Gender Equity webinar series continues with a focus on equal pay. While the pay gap across the European Union persists despite policies and directives, the EU approach to pay equity may offer suggestions on do's and don’ts in a field that is plagued with persistent inequities around the globe.

  • Article Item
    CLAHS Study Abroad Expo
    CLAHS Study Abroad Expo , article

    Students can learn about faculty-led study abroad programs offered through the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences. Faculty program leaders will be on hand to provide additional information and answer questions. You can also learn about other programs available through exchanges between VT and partner universities and more!

  • Article Item
    Something Supernatural Webinar Series: Kuntilanak: Malay Modernity, Patriarchy, and their Traumatizing Horrors
    Something Supernatural Webinar Series: Kuntilanak: Malay Modernity, Patriarchy, and their Traumatizing Horrors , article

    Updated: Friday, December 1st, 2023 10:00 am EST | Part of the Something Supernatural Series, this webinar features Timo Duile, a post doctoral researcher at the University of Bonn. He explains the origins of that ghost which points toward a specific mode of modernity that constitutes a realm of Islamic Malay civilization in opposition to the horrors of Kuntilanak

  • Article Item
    Fulbright Scholarship Presentation
    Fulbright Scholarship Presentation , article

    This event will provide important information about the U.S. Fulbright Student Program, scholarship eligibility requirements, award types, application process/timeline and more! Presenters will take audience questions as well.

  • Article Item
    Mervi Kaukko, Submitted Photo
    Conversations About Education , article

    Join Mervi Kaukko, Professor of Multicultural Education at Tampere University, Finland, and Fulbright Senior Scholar at the Graduate School of Education, Harvard University, to discuss education and how it can help students to live a good life in a world worth living in.

  • Article Item
    People protest regarding violence against women in Europe
    Violence Against Women in Europe , article

    As part of the Gender Equity Lecture Series, the Center for European Union, Transatlantic, and Trans-European Space Studies will host a webinar on Violence Against Women in Europe.

  • Article Item
    Photo of women talking to each other while wearing masks
    Women' s Executive Leadership in Europe , article

    As part of the Gender Equity Lecture Series, this event will discuss recent trends regarding women's incorporation in executive positions in Europe (prime ministers/presidents and cabinets) and the potential benefits of having more women in positions of executive power.

  • Article Item
    Sustainable Development Goals Lab
    Sustainable Development Goals Lab , article

    Wondering what you can do to become a better advocate for sustainable development? The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to be a "blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all".

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