Andrea Baldwin Co-Edited ‘Black Feminist Theorizing Toward Futurity: A Standpoints Volume’
March 1, 2023
Andrea Baldwin, an associate professor in the Department of Sociology, co-edited Black Feminist Theorizing Toward Futurity: A Standpoints Volume (Blacksburg, Virginia: Virginia Tech Publishing, 2023), with Nana Brantuo. Baldwin’s individual contributions to the volume were: “Introduction: Black Feminist Theorizing Toward Futurity” with Brantuo and “Full Participation by Another Name Is This Bridge Called Our Backs” with Letisha Brown and Brantuo, pp. 1–8 and 251–85.
Also included are chapters by ASPECT students Casey Anne Brimmer, “Decentering Whiteness as the Assumed Norm of Feminisms or, How Black Feminisms Made Room for Me That ‘Feminism’ Didn’t,” pp. 152–73, and Leah Ramnath, “Cynical (Dis)Positions: Cultivating Cynical Sensibilities,” pp. 226–50. The volume is available in VTechWorks.