Linea Cutter, Rob Flahive, Hannah Glasson, and Molly Todd Participated in International Studies Association Conference
December 1, 2020
The following ASPECT doctoral students participated in the International Studies Association Northeast Region annual conference: Linea Cutter, “Neoliberal Governmentality and Nutritional Technologies of the Self: Scaling Down to the Ingesting Subject”; Rob Flahive, “Fragments to Perpetuate Whiteness: Colonialism, Modernist Architecture, and Racializing the Built Environment”; Hannah Glasson, “Tracing Epistemologies of Abstraction Within Imperialist and Neoliberal Subjectivities, Knowledges, and Discourses”; and Molly Todd, “The (Un)making of Borders: Border Art and the Decolonial Imagination.”
The conference was held virtually November 5–7.