About the Music Education Program

The Music Education Program is a Master’s program that prepares students for high-demand careers as music teachers with a license to teach in elementary and secondary schools. After earning an undergraduate degree in Music, one year of educational methods and successful teaching experience will provide the background required for you to earn your teaching license.
Choral or instrumental licensure will depend on student background and student teaching experience.
The Music Education Program combines a comprehensive preparation in teaching with extensive field and laboratory experiences. Contemporary educational thought and the best of educational practices are provided for each level of K-12 education.
NOTE: This program is intended for those students who have completed the pre-requisite Baccalaureate in Music.

The Music Education Licensure Program includes coursework in music pedagogy, educational foundations, and special education. The program includes an internship and student teaching in elementary and secondary schools. School placement is dependent upon area of specialization and career goals. Students should obtain a passing score on the Praxis II (5113: Music Content Knowledge) prior to their student teaching experience. Students will also create an electronic portfolio to satisfy the university’s “masters comprehensive exam” requirement.
Required Coursework
Licensure Requirements (9 credit hours)
- EDEP 5154: Psychological Foundations of Learning (3) or EDEP 2374: Educational Psychology for PK-12 Teachers (3)
- EDCI 5554: Educating Exceptional Learners (3) or EDCI 3144: Education of Exceptional Learners (3)
- EDCI 5104: Schooling in American Society (3) or EDCI 2574: Social Foundations of Education (3)
*When these courses are taken during the undergraduate program (and credits counted toward the undergraduate degree), the graduate program requirements are reduced to 33 hours.
MAEd Core Requirements (15 credit hours)
- EDCI 5264: Comprehending Processes and Reading in the Content Areas (3)
- EDCI 5204: Managing Today’s Diverse Classroom (3)
- EDCI 5964: Field Studies in Education (3)
- EDCI 5754: Internship in Education (6)
Music Education Course Requirements (15 credit hours)
- EDCI 5724: Teaching in Middle & Secondary Schools I (3)
- EDCI 5744: Teaching in Middle & Secondary Schools II (3)
- EDCI 5704: Contemporary Issues in Music Education (3)
- EDCI 5384: Foundations of Music Education (3)
- EDCI 5394: Culturally Responsive Teaching in Music Education (3)
Course Descriptions
EDCI 2574: Social Foundations of Learning (3 credits)
History, purpose, and social contexts of education and the PK 12 public education system in the US. Diversity and culturally sensitive approaches to education. Historical, philosophical, social, cultural, and political factors that influence teachers roles and responsibilities and educational practice.
- Instructional Contact Hours: (3 Lec, 3 Crd)
EDCI 3144: Education of Exceptional Learners (3 credits)
Introduction to the historical, ethical, legal, and economic models relevant to understanding students with disabilities and meeting their needs to increase their potential for success throughout their lives. Addresses research in early intervention, K-12 instruction, post-secondary education, and transition into work settings.
- Pathway Concept Area(s): 3 Reasoning in Social Sciences, 10 Ethical Reasoning
- Instructional Contact Hours: (3 Lec, 3 Crd)
EDEP 2374: Educational Psychology for PK-12 Teachers (3 credits)
Theoretical, empirical, and practical foundations of educational psychology, including human learning, cognitive processes, development, motivation, classroom management, and instructional strategies for diverse students. Emphasis on application of theory to practice. Sophomore standing.
- Instructional Contact Hours: (3 Lec, 3 Crd)
EDCI 5104: Schooling in American Society (3 credits)
A study of the people and forces that impact on American education, analyzing the social setting of schooling and the relationships among school, curriculum, clients, personnel, and culture.
- Instructional Contact Hours: (3 Lec, 3 Crd)
EDCI 5264: Comprehending Processes and Reading in the Content Areas
Explores basic processes involved in comprehension: the role of concepts about text structure, task demands, and the role of the reader; includes teaching strategies for comprehending and using information in content area texts and in job related materials.
- Instructional Contact Hours: (3 Lec, 3 Crd)
EDCI 5384: Foundations of Music Education (3 credits)
Foundational principles of music education. General philosophies of music education. Historical background of music education in the United States. Review of practices of music education. Historical and current curricular practices. Pre: Graduate standing.
- Instructional Contact Hours: (3 Lec, 3 Crd)
EDCI 5394: Culturally Responsive Teaching in Music Education (3 credits)
Historical context of culturally responsive teaching. Characteristics of culturally responsive pedagogy. Foundations of culture as it relates to music. Culture informing development of teachers. Culture informing learners experiences. Applications in the music classroom. School and community culture. Pre: Graduate standing.
- Instructional Contact Hours: (3 Lec, 3 Crd)
EDCI 5554: Educating Exceptional Learners Across the Lifespan (3 credits)
Analysis of purpose, rationale, and foci of educational programs, and related services for individuals with special needs. Identification of characteristics associated with each exceptionality. Review of procedures for assessment, eligibility decisions, and the development of individualized educational programs. Overview of selected instructional strategies, environmental adaptations, and special materials. Examination of findings concerning program efficacy.
- Instructional Contact Hours: (3 Lec, 3 Crd)
EDCI 5704: Contemporary Issues in Music Education (3 credits)
Selective study and analysis of historical and recent curriculum trends and materials; discussion and evaluation of research. Focus on socio-cultural, equity, philosophical, learner-centered, curriculum, assessment, technology, and critical pedagogical perspectives within K-12 music education. Pre: Graduate standing.
- Instructional Contact Hours: (3 Lec, 3 Crd)
EDCI 5724: Teaching in Middle & Secondary Schools I
Introduces concepts and methods that enhance the teaching of specific academic disciplines (English, history and social sciences, science, mathematics, foreign languages, and music) in combination with a field studies course.
- Instructional Contact Hours: (3 Lec, 3 Crd)
EDCI 5744: Teaching in Middle & Secondary Schools II
Intensive instruction in methods of teaching an academic discipline (English, history and social science, science, mathematics, foreign languages, and music). Emphasis on classroom management, use of instructional technology, planning and delivery.
- Instructional Contact Hours: (3 Lec, 3 Crd)
EDCI 5754: Internship in Education (6 credits)
Student participation in a planned clinical experience under supervision of a university staff member in an appropriate work center.
- Instructional Contact Hours: (1-12 Lec, 1-12 Crd)
EDCI 5964: Field Studies in Education (3 credits)
Applied study in one or more educational institutions. Research, evaluation, curricular, and instructional projects are examples of appropriate projects of study. The student is graded on the basis of the design of the project and ability to carry it through and report the results.
- Instructional Contact Hours: (1-19 Lec, 1-19 Crd)