CEUTTSS Activities

The Jean Monnet Annual Lecture is convened each Spring. The series features high-level policymakers and practitioners speaking on issues of contemporary relevance.
Contact: Chris Price, chprice5@vt.edu
The Ambassador Series hosts diplomats speaking on issues of contemporary significance in their areas of expertise. All are welcome!
Contact: Georgeta Pourchot (georgeta@vt.edu)
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The Erasmus lecture series features visiting faculty speaking on contemporary issues from a variety of disciplinary perspectives.
Contact: Besnik Pula (bpula@vt.edu)
The CEUTTSS Lecture series convenes each month to consider work in progress of CEUTTSS faculty and affiliates.
Coming Fall 2022
Contact: Mauro Caraccioli (mauroj@vt.edu)
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Our AMICI series bring together scholars, artists, and innovators whose work is informed by the contexts of contemporary Europe and its relations abroad. Spanning a wide range of formats, AMICI events draw connections within and among cultures to provide new perspectives on our lives and our shared humanity in an ever-changing world.
Contact: Esther Bauer (bauere@vt.edu)