
CEUTTSS is located in the heart of Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg, VA. The Center offers undergraduate and graduate programs (Fall 2021), lectures and workshops, and lifelong learning programs to engage the community.
Until Fall 2021 all faculty and staff are working remotely and events will take place via Zoom.

CEUTTSS/National Capital Region is based in the Virginia Tech Research Center in Arlington Virginia. The center will provide a forum whereby Virginia Tech faculty and students will be able to engage directly with the policy making and diplomatic community in the Washington DC. This forum will bring together representatives from academia, NGOs, think tanks, the diplomatic community and the Washington policy community to address developments in the transatlantic relationship, and global issues of mutual interest to the United States and the European Union. It will also offer courses for Virginia Tech graduate students based in the northern Virginia area.

The Steger Center for International Scholarship, a Virginia Tech campus in Riva San Vitale, Switzerland, offers opportunities for student learning and conferences in an idyllic European setting. It serves as the primary location for two study abroad programs administered by the Department of Political Science and the International Studies Program: European Affairs in a Global Context, and European Perspectives on Integrated Security. These study abroad programs complement work being undertaken at the Center for European Union, Transatlantic & Trans-European Space Studies (CEUTTSS). Both programs emphasize European politics and political economy, regional security dilemmas, and transatlantic security concerns. Future endeavors being planned include the enlargement of study abroad programming opportunities in interdisciplinary education and research, professional and academic events and conferences, and strengthened ties with American and European educational institutions throughout Europe. The Steger Center thus provides CEUTTSS with an ideal European base of operations for research, outreach and learning.