Virtual Civil War Weekend
February 15, 2021

For the first time in the 30-year history of Civil War Weekend, attendees can participate from anywhere in the world.
For three consecutive Thursdays in March, Civil War Weekend will be held virtually.
Free and open to anyone interested in learning more about the nation’s deadliest battle, events will be held March 4, 11, and 18 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Registration via Zoom is available by following this link.
The theme of this year’s Civil War Weekend is “Resources for War.”
“The sheer scale of the Civil War is astonishing. Around 3 million men served — a far cry from the pre-war army of 16,000 — and a significant chunk of the total U.S. population at the time of 31 million,” said Paul Quigley, director of the Virginia Center for Civil War Studies. “A war of this magnitude demanded unprecedented resources; hence this year’s theme.”
Nine speakers will explore what Americans required to wage war. At the most basic level, a conflict on this scale demanded a steady supply of men, weapons, and ammunition. Soldiers also required food, clothing, and transportation, including horses and mules in the millions. But those basic physical requirements were only the start. For soldiers and civilians alike, war was a wrenching emotional trial.
“We’ll learn how men and women coped, how they shared information, how they used photographs and letters to stay connected with loved ones, and how they fought over how the war should be remembered,” said Quigley.
“This year will not be the same. I’ll really miss spending time with Civil War Weekenders old and new — not to mention the delectable bread pudding at the Inn at Virginia Tech! Nonetheless, I’m glad we can at least meet virtually this year, and can’t wait to reconvene in person in 2022,” said Quigley.
For more information about this year’s events, visit the website for the Virtual Civil War Weekend.