Course List
Typical Course Trajectory/Requirements for History and Social Science (Social Studies) Education (M.A.Ed.) and History and Social Science Education Licensure Program(6-12)
Whether you begin the program in the Fall / Spring / or Summer you must complete the following 12 hours prior to entering into the final cohort year.
The following foundational course are offered each semester and your advisor will explain when to take them, plus identify any additional courses depending on room in your timetable
- EDCI 5104 Schooling in American Society
- EDEP 5154 Psych Foundations of Education
- EDCI 5264 Comp and Cont Reading
- EDCI 5554 Educating Exceptional Learners
Below is the typical series of courses taken in your final year in addition to important Professional Studies requirements that you will take in the Fall.
- EDCI 5724 Teaching in Middle and Secondary Schools 1
- EDCI 5964 Field Studies in Education
- EDCI 5784 GS Inquiry Based learning with Digital Technologies
- EDCI 5444 Teaching Adolescent Readers
- EDEP 5114 Learning and Cognition
- Complete Child Abuse and Neglect Recognizing, Reporting, and Responding for Educators Module
- Complete SOE Ethics and Integrity Requirement Module
- Complete Blood Borne Pathogens Workshop (Teaching and Learning face to face meeting beginning of Fall semester)
- EDCI 5744 Teaching in Middle and Secondary Schools II
- EDCI 5784 GS: Developing Professional Dispositions: Case Studies in Education
- EDCI 5754 Internship in Education
- Electronic Portfolio Defense (May)