Publisher Routledge
EAN/ISBN 978-1138049383
Release Date 2021-06-29
Author(s) Rona F. FlippoKristin M. GehsmannJuliet L. Halladay

The third edition of Assessing Readers continues to bridge the gap between authentic, informal, and formative assessments, and more traditional quantitative, and summative assessment approaches. Designed to assist educators and reading specialists make informed decisions about not only what to assess, but how, it provides teachers with a menu of qualitative assessment options, encouraging them to consider their own values and beliefs in light of the goals they have for the students they teach. Building on nearly four decades of theory, research, and practice, it is up to date with current research and offers specific assessment, instruction, and organizational ideas and strategies.

With an emphasis on comprehension, motivation and engagement, and developing strategic knowledge, Assessing Readers offers a road map for teachers trying to meet the demands of increasingly rigorous standards. Features include examples of student-centered assessment, ideas for organizing and managing differentiated instruction, sample lesson plans, and authentic case studies.

Accessible and practical, the third edition empowers pre-service and in-service teachers alike, encouraging them to think about the importance of their assessment and instructional choices, and supporting them with the tools they need to achieve their goals and meet the needs of all students.