Students Submitted Abstracts to Student Experiential Learning Conference
May 10, 2018
The following students in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences submitted an abstract for the Student Experiential Learning Conference: Alana Aassett, Professional and Technical Writing; Allie Ahn, Political Science; Micaela Albright, Criminology and Sociology; Sebastian Andrade, International Relations; Paige Atherton, Human Development; Sydney Austin, Human Development; Dhanya Babu, Human Development; Andrew Bacso, Political Science; Grace Baggett, Literature and Language; Robert Beauchamp, International Studies; Bryanna Berry, Human Development; Maria Betances-Koegle, Political Science; Jensen Blevins, Human Development; Allie Bochna, History; Jessica Boehling, Human Development; Hunter Bowers, Political Science; Rachel Boxwell, Political Science; Amelia Brown, Communication Studies; Elysia Budu, History; Madeleine Caceres, Political Science; Sophia Campos, Philosophy, Political Science, and Economics (PPE program) and Political Science; Patrick Carello, National Security and Foreign Affairs; Jasmine Castillo, History; Allison Cedrone-Ricks, Human Development; Nala Chehade, History and International Studies; Oziomachukwu Chinaka, Human Development; Quinton Cookis, History; Michelle Corinaldi, Sociology; Conor Crotty, International Studies; Rachael Dawson, Political Science; Jessica Dorsch, National Security and Foreign Affairs; Ashley Doyle, Public Relations; Dara Finley, Political Science; Caroline Fountain, International Studies; Nicole Geis, International Relations; Michael Gish, Political Science; Katarzyna Goebel, Literature and Language; Hannah Goode, Professional and Technical Writing; Michaela Gosting, Human Development; Kelly Guthrie, Criminology; Tashi Gyatso, Political Science; Jason Hadley, Political Science; Hannah Hagan, Human Development; Thomas Hale, Political Science; Noor Hameed, Human Development; Kathryn Hampton, International Studies;Leah Han, Human Development; Robert Hanson, Political Science; Elizabeth Haugdahl, Human Development; Robert Hodges, Political Science; Lauren Hoyns, Literature and Language; Lauren Hughes, Human Development; Connor Ingalsby, International Studies; Danielle Jeffers, Multimedia Journalism; Jordan Jenson, Fashion Merchandising and Design; William Johnson, Theater Arts; Alex Jones, Political Science; Karl Krull, Political Science; Jordan Law, Political Science; Stephanie Lemus-Ortiz, International Studies; Natalie Logan, Human Development; Ira Long, Political Science; Lindsey Lozoskie, National Security and Foreign Affairs; Spencer Maclay, Political Science; Ronald Maniece, Public Relations; Bryan Marceau, Political Science; John Marin, International Studies; Alyssa Marshall, Political Science; Armand Matini, Political Science; Rebecca McCord, National Security and Foreign Affairs; Meghan McDonald, Political Science; Maura McDonough, Political Science; Kelsey McGregor, Human Development; Sarah Mease, Literature and Language; Jessica Meeks, Human Development; Kelsea Mensh, Spanish; Emma Morris, Political Science; Dana Mouritzen, National Security and Foreign Affairs; Jane Nunn, National Security and Foreign Affairs; Kathleen Pierce, Residential Environments and Design; Hannah Pledger, National Security and Foreign Affairs; Naire Poole, Theatre Arts; Shalini Rana, Creative Writing and Professional and Technical Writing; Carly Rettie, Human Development; Emma Rhodes, History; Nicole Romagnoli, Political Science; David Schmidt, National Security and Foreign Affairs; Andrew Schurr, Theatre Arts; Sarah Shaver, Human Development; Ben Shenal, Political Science; Allison Sieber, International Studies; Caroline Slocumb, Human Development; Ebone Smith, Communication Studies; Cricket Spillane, International Relations; Grace Stevens, International Relations; Julia Strang, Human Development; Claire Sutton, Political Science; Hannah Tarr, Human Development; Sophia Trout, Multimedia Journalism; Brigid Tuite, Fashion Merchandising and Design; Ashley Uy, Human Development; Jessica Vishneski, Human Development; Emily Warwick, National Security and Foreign Affairs; Sam Wentworth, History; Kelly Wiegand, History; Andrew Wills, History; Lindsey Windhausen, Human Development; Patrick Wirth, Political Science; Olivia Wood, History and Classical Studies; and Christian Yoon, Political Science.