The International Performance and Presentation Grant (IPPG) provides travel funds for CLAHS faculty presenting or performing at international sites (conferences, workshops, university symposia, meetings, performance venues etc.). The Office of the Dean will match up to $1,500 of funds secured by the applicant. It is expected that the applicant’s home academic unit will provide some funding. Applicants may utilize a variety of funding sources to secure a match from the Office of the Dean.

Application Deadlines: Applications are due by the 15th of each month (irrespective of whether the date falls on a business day). Applications submitted after the 15th of the month will be reviewed the following month. Faculty may submit applications when they can confirm presentation/performance and funding that will be used for the match, but must do so at least 30 days before travel will occur. 

Contact Associate Dean for Global Initiatives and Engagement, Farida Jalalzai at with questions.