HI Bridge to Academia Faculty Mentoring Program

HI Bridge to Academia Faculty Mentoring Program Description and Components
Thank you for your willingness to participate in the HI Bridge to Academia Faculty Mentoring Program.
This project seeks to create pathways to degree completion and the professoriate for doctoral fellows and faculty teaching at HBCUs and other higher education institutions. The Alliance’s HBCU Instructors Bridge to Academia Project (HI Bridge) consists of model activities identified from the literature as significant to supporting doctoral students in being fully socialized into the academy. The HI Bridge to Academia project also includes a faculty mentoring component that in addition to their responsibilities of mentoring the ABD candidates. The faculty mentors participate in professional development sessions and potential networking with faculty mentor peers in their cohort groups.
The HI Bridge to Academia Faculty Mentoring Program is a cohort program in which, during each year, 12 faculty members will provide the research guidance and professional mentoring necessary for supporting the ABD candidates in completing their PhDs and developing as scholars. Faculty mentors will participate in faculty mentoring professional development and faculty mentor peer collaboration sessions that are guided toward developing effective strategies for mentoring doctoral students and early career faculty in achieving success in academia, with emphasis on faculty from underrepresented groups.
Paired Faculty Mentors of ABD candidates will receive:
- $2,000 stipend
- VT Summer Institute travel and lodging
- Faculty mentoring professional development
- Peer Faculty Mentor cohort
- Networking opportuities
As a faculty mentor, your primary commitments involve mentoring a HI Bridge to Academia Fellow through the completion of their doctoral degrees, and to participate in the faculty mentoring professional development activities. For the professional development component, you will be engaged in three mentoring professional development sessions across the year. These sessions are designed to enhance your knowledge and skills on mentoring doctoral students, as well as early career faculty. It is expected that the outcomes of this program would be useful in informing a faculty mentoring model for addressing the needs of scholars within the targeted group, and possibly others, that could be disseminated broadly.
In support of developing a HI Bridge to Academia Fellow? Please click the link below.