Modern and Classical Languages Student Organizations
Our student organizations include the Arabic Student Club, German Culture Club, the Classics Club, the Japanese Cultural Association, and Sigma Delta Pi - the national Spanish honors society. These student organizations offer the opportunity to befriend native speakers, experience cultural activities, and develop a social network.

A number of Middle East-related student clubs provide you with an array of opportunities for linguist and cultural immersion. They organize a variety of educational and fun cultural events, including Arabic conversation tables, lectures, films, and artistic performances.
Be sure to check out their individual websites for upcoming events:
- Egypt Friends
To be placed on the Classics students mailing list, please email Andrew Becker.
Classics Club
We host movie nights, reading marathons, road trips to lectures and conferences, and the annual Saturnalia and Bacchanalia parties. The club engages in service and outreach, including participation in Virginia's Senior and Junior Classical League. Students also work with Governor's Latin Academy and local schools.
Get involved: come to a Classics Table at PK's on Main St. on Fridays at 4pm, or contact Ben Wiley, Classics Club President, for more details.
Eta Sigma Phi
This national honor society is for undergraduate students of classical languages. Qualifications for invitation include advanced study in at least one language and a prescribed GPA. OUR members attend the annual Eta Sigma Phi convention, compete in annual translation contests, and are eligible for national scholarships.
Pi Delta Phi
We aim to recognize outstanding scholarship in the French language and francophone literatures, to increase the knowledge and appreciation of Americans for the cultural contributions of the French-speaking world, and to stimulate and to encourage French and francophone cultural activities.
To receive announcements from the German program at VT about events such as film evenings, German Culture Club activities, Teach for Jamie meetings, Kaffeeklatsch, study and internship abroad opportunities, fellowships, and general information about German culture and events in the region, sign up for the German Listserv by contacting Dr. Esther Bauer. She will add your email address to the German Program mailing list.
German Culture Club
Willkommen zum Deutschen Kulturklub!
The German Culture Club promotes the language and cultures of the German-speaking countries through events and activities which are open to everyone on the VT campus and beyond. Join the club's officers to learn about and celebrate traditions old and new, prepare and taste typical foods, learn the words to "99 Luftballons," and challenge other students in fast-paced, competitive board games (in German!).
"I feel so fortunate to have found the German Culture Club (GCC) as a freshman, because it allowed me to meet other students who had the same interest in the language as I did. In addition to creating strong relationships with the German Program's faculty, it was the perfect opportunity to improve my leadership skills as the GCC President. I highly recommend this club to any students interested in learning more about a foreign language or a foreign culture -- it is a wonderful way to make connections with a smaller program on a large campus as well as a great resume booster."
-- Jenna Humphrey ’20, German Culture Club President 2017 to 2020
For more information, please contact Dr. Bryan Klausmeyer (faculty adviser).
Teach for Jamie
Teach for Jamie is an after-school German language and culture program for elementary school students. The program has approximately twenty VT German student members, who volunteer in memory of Jamie Bishop, former instructor of German at Virginia Tech. They hope to share his passion for German language and culture with children who otherwise would not have access to a language program at such an early age. Currently around 90 students from grades K-5 participate. They meet with their VT “teachers” once a week after school at four local elementary schools. The children learn basic German vocabulary and grammar with the aid of the award-winning MUZZY language curriculum, and enjoy German games, foods, and other activities, thus familiarizing themselves with the cultures of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Interested in participating? Please email with any questions.
Delta Phi Alpha
The German Program at VT has an active chapter of the National German Honor Society, Delta Phi Alpha, which seeks to recognize excellence in the study of German and to provide an incentive for higher scholarship. The society promotes the study of the German language, literature and civilization. For more information, please visit the Delta Phi Alpha website.
Scholarships: Delta Phi Alpha offers several scholarships to recognize high-achieving undergraduate students. Only Delta Phi Alpha members from active chapters are eligible to apply for these scholarships. Please visit DPA's website for more details.
Membership Applications: Individual membership in the society is accredited by the student’s chapter advisor. Qualifications for student membership are:
A minimum of two years of college or university German or their equivalent
A minimum average of B+ (3.3 GPA) or its equivalent in German courses
A minimum cumulative average of B- (2.7 GPA) or its equivalent
Indication of continued interest in the study of German language and literature
The lifetime membership fee (includes embossed certificate and membership pin) is $25. The double braided honor cord to wear at graduation is $10.
Usually, our chapter, Eta Nu, inducts juniors and seniors according to the guidelines.
Chapter advisor: Dr. Debra Stoudt.
Join the German program for its monthly Kaffeeklatsch. Stop by for the whole hour or only a few minutes to take a break from studying, enjoy a snack, and chat with friends, professors, and fellow students. During the semester Kaffeeklatsch usually takes place in the atrium of Major Williams Hall (second floor) from 4 to 5 on the first Friday of the month. Look for announcements on the German Listserv or ask any German faculty member for the exact dates.
Japanese Cultural Association
This organization is dedicated to those who have an interest in the Japanese culture and language. Connect with Yuhi Sasaki for more information about events and membership. Find us on Facebook.
Russian Club
This organization is for students or anybody in the Blacksburg area interested in the Russian language or culture.
To be added to the Russian Club listserv please e-mail Ksenia Gashnikova.
Sigma Delta Pi
Sigma Delta Pi, the National Spanish Honor Society, supports activities, outreach, volunteer opportunities, and events. We also offer free Spanish tutoring to students in all levels of Spanish, including help with conversational Spanish. To connect with a tutor and schedule a session contact Sarah Sierra.
Spanish Club
Te invitamos a formar parte de las actividades del Club de Español
1. Grupos de Conversación
2. Actividades Culturales
Find us on Facebook: "Spanish Club at VT"
Please contact Alejandra Sobrado with any questions.
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