Book Publication Workshops 2024
Please keep checking this page for updates and registration information on the 2024 book publishing workshops sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, and University Libraries.

Made by History Workshop on Writing Opinion Essays Related to Book Projects
September 18, 12-1 p.m.
Workshop open to faculty and graduate students across programs at Virginia Tech. Editors of Made by History, published by Time Magazine, will lead a workshop on preparing opinion essays about timely issues. The workshop will devote particular attention to the ways that writing opinion essays may be coordinated with researching, writing, publishing, and publicizing academic books on related topics. The workshop is sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences.
Contact: Tom Ewing (
Book Publishing Workshops and Individual Consultations
October 3. 1:00 p.m. - Goodall Room, Newman Library 101
October 4, 10:00 a.m. - Graduate Life Center Meeting Room B
Gregory Britton, Acquisitions Editor, Johns Hopkins University Press, will lead several sessions on book publishing during a visit to Virginia Tech on October 3-4, 2024.
At 1 p.m. on October 3, a workshop open to all will take place in the Goodall Room, Newman Library 101, to provide guidance on the publishing process.
On Friday, October 4, at 10 a.m., a workshop for graduate students about academic publishing will take place in Graduate Life Center Room B.
Faculty may register for an individual consultation with Greg Britton on their projects during the afternoon of October 3. Please register using this form.
The workshops are sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences and University Libraries.
Contact: Tom Ewing (