Subtitle Readings on a Modern Social Problem
Publisher Indo American Books
EAN/ISBN 978-8189617585
Release Years 1997, 1999 (second printing), 2008 third printing
Author(s) J. Steven Picou, Duane A. Gill, Maurie J. Cohen

The development of this volume reflects the collective research interests of the editors over the last seven years on the Exxon disaster in Alaska ... [Their] primary objective in compiling this volume was to provide a general introduction to the social problem of technological disasters in terms of a case study of the largest oil spill in North American history, the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill ... [They] have used a number of these articles as required readings in courses such as social problems, environmental sociology, sociology of disasters, human ecology, the community, and environmental economics. Those reprinted in this text proved to be both informative and interesting to a broad cross-section of students from undergraduate to graduate ... This volume will be of interest to researchers and a broad spectrum of the general public.-Pref.