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Module 4: Reporting Misconduct

image of some of the pylons

This is the fourth and final of a series of four modules in the Ethics Training series provided by the School of Education

Here, in Module 4, we examine Reporting Misconduct


It is important for students to report any observance of academic misconduct because it upholds the principles of fairness, honesty, and integrity in the academic community. Reporting such misconduct ensures a level playing field for all students and maintains the credibility and reputation of the educational institution. Additionally, addressing academic misconduct helps foster a culture of academic excellence and reinforces the importance of ethical behavior in the pursuit of knowledge and learning.

Module 4 Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to explain the procedure for reporting suspected violation of the Graduate Honor Code.

hand writing with fountain pen in a notebook

As a member of the graduate academic community of Virginia Tech, you are required to report any observance of academic misconduct within 10 business days of the occurrence.

Violations of the Graduate Honor Code should be reported to the Chief Justice or the Graduate Honor System Advisor in writing, using the report form. Submit the form and relevant attachments to:

Graduate Honor System
c/o Graduate School (0325)
117 GLC

hand holding a hand written note as if you be cheating on an assignment

Recall in Module 2 that you learned about four types of Honor Code violations.

  • Cheating
  • Plagiarism
  • Falsification
  • Academic Sabotage

Whenever you are witness to any of these types of misconduct, it is your ethical obligation to report them, but knowing how to report them is a fundamental piece of knowledge you may not yet have.

How to Complete the "Suspected Violation" Form:


  1. Your name and contact information
  2. Details about the suspected violation
  3. Information about the person you suspect of violating the Honor Code
  4. Description of the suspected violation
  5. Suspected violation evidence (attach)
  6. Your signature and the date of your signature


Whenever you observe a violation of the Honor Code, your role is to report the violation directly to the Graduate Honor System by filling in the Violation Reporting Form online.

You can find that form here.


Activity: Once you have completed reviewing this module, click on the link below for the assessment. The assessment is a multiple choice quiz and can be retaken until passed. Please forward your passing results to your professor.
You can access the full instructions for taking the required School of Education Ethics Modules Assessment here. To access the assessment, click the maroon button below. 
It is recommended that you use Chrome or Firefox browser to complete the assessment. If you attempt the assessment more than once and believe your results are in error, please contact your course professor.