Sophia Bettger, a junior double majoring in sociology and criminology, had the opportunity to study abroad in South Africa early on in her college career. “I couldn't recommend it more. By stepping out of my comfort zone, I was able to experience an amazing once in a lifetime curriculum,” she explains. Sophia already has an internship lined up for this summer and plans to graduate next spring. Read the full Q&A below to learn more about her trip and her plans for the future! 

You're a double major in sociology and criminology. What helped you to decide that these two majors were the right fit for you? 

I have always had a deep interest in criminal justice, so it was clear what I should major in. During my freshman year, I realized I was also very interested in social behaviors and how individuals function in society. So, I added Sociology as a second major. 

Tell me about your summer 2022 study abroad experience in South Africa!

I went to an info session and was sold on the trip. The purpose of this trip was to study social and racial justice in South Africa. My experience was amazing! I was able to greatly expand my knowledge of the pre-and post-apartheid society from those with lived experience. I was also given the opportunity to take part in sacred ceremonies and learn about South Africa's rich culture firsthand.

What was your favorite part of the trip, and how has having this experience early in your college career impacted the rest of your time here so far?

My favorite part of the trip was definitely exploring the towns and learning about the culture from locals. It was amazing to have an experience abroad; I have been very fortunate in that I have been able to have multiple abroad experiences. I do think it's pretty amazing I went halfway across the world and got to have such a long experience there (3 weeks). 

I definitely think that by choosing to study abroad early, I was able to apply the knowledge I gained during my trip in other parts of my college career, such as for assignments and presentations. 

What advice would you give to other students considering studying abroad?

I would tell other students who are considering studying abroad to go for it! It was definitely worth it and I would do it again 100 times. While it may seem far fetched, the experience and knowledge you gain is not something you can get on campus. I couldn't recommend it more, and getting out of your comfort zone is an important lesson to learn. By stepping out of my comfort zone, I was able to experience an amazing once in a lifetime curriculum. 

Have you had any internship experiences during your time here?

I have an internship set for the summer of 2024 at the Department of Family Services. I am super excited to get experience with advocacy. I am also thrilled to grow my network and learn more about the Department of Family Services.

What do you hope to do after you graduate? 

I will be graduating in spring of 2025. My hope is to work within criminal justice, social justice, and reform. I haven't completely narrowed down what my plans are because you never know what type of new opportunities may arise!

If you could give advice to any new Sociology and/or Criminology majors, what would you say? 

The only piece of advice I have is to enjoy it! Savor every minute – I am now a junior and often reminisce on my previous years here at Tech. So, enjoy every experience and opportunity you can!