Sociology Scholarships
In addition to scholarships offered by the university and the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, we offer program-specific scholarships in sociology.

Given each year to a graduating senior who provides excellent service to his or her internship site.
Given to a graduating senior who is a member of the Alpha Kappa Delta Sociology Honor Society. The recipient must have both an outstanding grade point average, and significant activities performed in accordance with the AKD motto, "to study humanity for the purpose of service"
Given to a graduating senior who has participated in outstanding research pursuits both inside and outside the typical classroom setting. This student typically participates in additional undergraduate research credits or research conference presentations.
We offer a limited number of full-time positions which require 20 hours of work per week, usually fulfilled by teaching two sections of undergraduate public speaking each semester. The position requires enrollment in 12 hours of graduate credit each semester.
Duration of Funding
We normally offer 4 years of assistantship for funded PhD students, and 2 years for MS students. Contracts are for one year, with renewal depending on progress in the degree program and satisfactory performance of assistantship duties.
Benefits of Assistantships
Assistantships provide these benefits:
-Tuition waiver
-Health insurance program (see the Graduate School benefits page for details)
Applying for Funding
A question on the Graduate School application for graduate admission asks whether you want to be considered for a teaching assistantship. If you check yes, you will respond to additional questions and be added to our list of candidates. All new positions begin in the fall semester.
Please note that you do not require separate applications to be considered for Graduate Assistantships.
Application Open Dates: Same as admissions
Deadline: January 15
Contact Person: Tish Glosh
Given to an incoming graduate student in the Sociology Department as determined by the chair/department head in conjunction with the Graduate Director. Based on merit. Monetary award.
Given to a doctoral student who has responsibility reaching his or her own undergraduate course. The recipient for this award is selected the by the Departmental Teaching Excellence Committee as exemplifying particularly outstanding skill and dedication to our teaching mission.
Given annually to a graduate student, as chosen by members of the faculty, who has made a significant contribution to scholarship in one of our disciplines.
Given to a financially needy student from underrepresented populations who are enrolled in Africana Studies. Monetary award.