Subtitle Ninth Edition
Publisher West Academic Publishing
EAN/ISBN 978-1642422528
Release Date 2018-12-28
Author(s) Kern Alexander and M. David Alexander
Summary Alexander and Alexander’s American Public School Law has for 50 years set the standard for books in the field of education law. This new 2019, Ninth Edition, provides for a combined textbook/casebook approach for teaching the law of public school systems in the United States. Included in this volume are hundreds of recent judicial precedents rendered by state and federal appellate courts derived from actual cases and controversies involving the schools. The book is designed to facilitate a “case” or “discussion” teaching methodology that enables the teacher to depart from merely lecturing or “telling” about the law and to engage the students in a dialogue and discussion mode. Written in an engaging style, American Public School Law, Ninth Edition, clearly explains all complex points of law for non-lawyers, with a focus on the unique needs of professional school leaders. The book is accompanied with an Instructor’s Manual and a Test Bank, along with PowerPoint slides for each chapter.