Subtitle Sectors, Variables and Issues
Publisher e-International Relations
EAN/ISBN 978-1910814512
Release Date 2019-05-11
Editor(s) Bettina Koch and Yannis A. Stivachtis
Summary Employing the comprehensive approach to security, Regional Security in the Middle East: Sectors, Variables and Issues provides an insightful and up to date analysis of security issues in a region that continues to be conflict prone and challenged by factors both regional and global. In this volume, the contributors not only explore regional security dynamics and the barriers to cooperation and integration in the Middle East — but also scenarios for near future security developments in one of the most politically volatile world region. In so doing, the book contextualizes the historical and current causes for the divisive reality that characterizes the region. The first part of the book focuses on the identification of threats operating in the political, societal, economic and environmental sectors. It argues that due to security interdependence these security sectors are inextricably connected to the extent that threats originating in one sector have the potential of causing – through a spillover process – the emergence of security threats in other sectors. The second part investigates the impact of a set of factors, such as demography, geography, the environment, available resources, migration patterns as well as science and technology on Middle Eastern security dynamics. It is suggested that all these factors will have a significant impact on Middle East security in the very near future. The third part provides a thorough examination of salient political, economic and security issues in the Middle East by focusing on topics such as the role and effectiveness of regional human rights organizations, the causes of religious radicalization, the use of religion to justify political conflicts, the role and strategy of regional violent non-state actors, and how the Arab Spring has challenged institutional structures and relationships in the Middle East.